The Jacquio

Sucks to miss someone. Sounds like you had a good thing going for awhile, but doesn't sound like it was worth accepting her abuse and pettiness and professional jealousy in the long term. In order for a relationship to have a chance of working, both people have to *want* to be there, and that doesn't seem to be the

Kudos on reporting vodka as exercise. That takes moxie.

Exercise thread

It's class, motherfucker. All class.

Yeah, but I heard somewhere that Google is paying $97 an hour.

Premature ejaculation thread

Cena lost me when he put over Roman Reigns as a "bona fide WWE star" to try and make Ambrose look worse by comparison.

Becky was STRAYT FAHR on Talking Smack. I love how she called out Alexa Bliss for cosplaying Harley Quinn, and how hard they're pushing her whole "left the business only to come back triumphant" backstory.

Not to take anything away from Charlotte (she's my daughter's favorite), but a lot of the work she does as a character feels like lesser Stephanie stuff to me.

This might be too meta to even consider, but I felt like that moment was WWE giving those "RKO outta nowhere" videos a nod.

D-Zigg's promos make me feel all feely.

Which Thor's Hammer?

I only knew the anthemic chorus for many years, so it shocked me to actually hear the rest of the song and realize that's actually a tight, tough rock song for the most part…. until it gets to that generic "soaring" poor-man's-U2 of a chorus hook.

I've been disappointed at the lack of nu-metal on these lists. T has Taproot, Tantric, Trapt, Trustcompany, and 3rd Strike and I feel like a few more. It was nu-metal's awkward post-grunge phase.

Becky and Alexa were both so, so goddamn good in that segment. Very simple, basic character stuff, but executed to perfection.

Toots And The Maytals! Yes.

Sorry about your iPod, dude.

🎶TNA is the greatest
Promotion I've ever owned🎶


"Anxieties"? Hey, that's the name of the song! (it rules, btfw)