The Jacquio

I only know one song by Allo Darlin', but it's goddamned adorable and I love it. Is all their stuff like that?

So we've all been cockblocked out of posting our T-lists, and that can only mean one thing: A-lists this week, everybody! *cue dance remix of A-Team theme song from episode of Spaced* Because I didn't start doing this until we were on Bs, so I never got a chance to post mine (I also started only posting artists that

I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care

Other than perhaps "Down At The Dinghy" (which is charming, but never much else), every last story in Nine Stories is among the greatest I've ever read. Like a 20th-century American Chekhov, but even better. "De Daumier-Smith's Blue Period", "Laughing Man", "TEDDY"… Good god.


If I ever finish Saul Bellow's Herzog I have the following pile to get through:

The book definitely trounces the movie, although they're both flawed in similar ways. But the movie is worth it strictly for Brie Larson's incredible performance.

I loved Jen Kirkman's first book, and I'm looking forward to starting that one. I am dreading the new Lionel Shriver book, it sounds like libertarian fantasy, the Vox reviewer compared it to Ayn Rand. Yow.

That was a mercy killing. We were spared Harrison Ford having to phone it in for 2 more movies.

Kylo Ren was the best part (other than Poe). It's hilarious how he tries so hard, and fails, to be a total badass the entire movie.

I cried this weekend because of shame and regret .

Devastatingly accurate mathematical breakdown. *obligatory "SENIOR JOE, THE NUMBERS DON'T LIE, AND THEY SPELL DISASTER FOR YOU AT SACKERFICE."

Yeah, the ghosts turn out to be a total afterthought. You could remove them from the movie entirely and it'd barely make any difference. It's only a ghost story in the same sense that Wuthering Heights is a ghost story. And WH is emphatically NOT a horror story.

I wouldn't say it "bait and switched" me, because I was already familiar with the story, but when I saw the first trailer for the American remake of The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo I felt bad for anyone who went to see it based on how awesome that thing was.

My Alien story:

10 years from now I could see him as the perfect Reed Richards.

Christ, but I do remember thinking that Dredd was absolutely gorgeous-looking for a ridiculous pulpy comic book film (which I also happen to find totally awesome). No wonder.

Michael Shannon's goofyballs "Why I oughta…" performance alone made Premium Rush way more interesting than it had any right to be.

He'll be fine.

He's done as many bad movies as anyone, but it's not like any of those movies ever sucked strictly because of his performances in them. He's also been the best thing in a bad movie numerous times.