The Jacquio

I'm seeing double, four etc.


"If I played guitar I'd be Jimmy Page
The girlies I like are underage"

Awesome NewsRadio episode, though.

People seem to be really protective of the Stranger Things cast, in a way I don't think I've ever seen before. Let us adore them, but let them get to be kids in the meantime. It's as if we're more conscious of the horrible experiences child entertainers go through than we used to be. Thanks, Mara Wilson (I guess)!

It is a necessary evil at best.

Thank you for this interview. This band is fucking awesome and "Song About Old Roller Coaster" still rocks as hard as anything I've ever heard.

Not sure what they have to do with each other, besides both being roughly in the same genre and both kicking huge amounts of ass.

Considering the fact that the 2nd half of Looper puts the entire narrative/action of the story on hold in order to explore some weird family dynamic, I think we can trust Rian Johnson to not make another rush-rush spaz-fest.

Plus, during their final battle, Kylo Ren is openly toying with her. He doesn't want to defeat her, he wants to recruit her to his side and train her, he's not taking her seriously as an opponent but rather already thinking of her as his apprentice. It never occurs to him that she might refuse his offer and get pissed

Throw some Force-lightning at me if you want, Sith-head, I've got all five senses and I slept last night, that puts me six up on the lot of you.

Body dysmorphia is real, it's not just for eating disorders. Trust what people like that tell you, they've no reason to lie.

"Gattaca" by Red Animal War is my go-to all-purpose fitness motivation song. For other recommendations, it depends on the nature of your workout. For weight-training stuff I like more hardcore punk/thrash metally stuff, for cardio I prefer poppy dance-type music. So like "Black Thunder" by Doomriders used to be my

The Handmaid's Tale — One of the most important books of my lifetime. Horrifying, sexy, clever, humorous, and above all HUMAN and ALIVE. Really drives home the point that feminism is ultimately to the benefit of everyone — the men in this dystopia technically have more power, but it doesn't provide them with any more

Klosterman has long felt like a repository of contranarian-for-the-sake-of-being-contranarian opinions, so this subject matter seems right in his wheelhouse.

Exercise thread

An Ambrose/Miz IC title feud would be God-level promo heaven. Please do this, WWE.

So since Zack Ryder* is on SD, Emma is going there when she returns? And we'll finally get some closure on her aborted feud with Becky?

Well, I know what I'm doing for my next road trip.

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