The Jacquio

Yeah, the long weekend really made a difference for me too. I'm trying to carry that momentum over to some shorter weekends as well.

Exercise thread

Your body knows its own needs, even if you don't. Trust what it's telling you.

Thanks, Wafflicious. If I have any insight or advice to offer, it's only because I'm the one who needs it the most.

I hope you will find the strength you need by learning to rely on yourself to sustain it. There's moments where I'm plagued by the "wasted time" thoughts, but I'm not sure I believe in the concept anymore. It's like energy, it cannot be wasted, it can only be converted to another form. I know that makes no sense, but

I was in a similar situation before, but I never got bitter about it (I knew the guy she eventually started fucking and wished both of them nothing but the best). If anything, it was more of a "bullet dodged" feeling with that one. We were very wrong for each other.

Humans sure feel some dumb things sometimes. Here's one of them.

So good, So underrated. Her character from In Treatment absolutely breaks your heart. Also easily the best thing about The Newsroom.

*pushes glasses up nose* First of all, "that's none of my business" is supposed to be a Kermit The Frog drinking tea meme. Strike one.

I never realized just how delightful every single character name on that show was until Chris Traeger showed up and started over-enthusiastically calling everybody by their first and last names. It's a shame they wasted the wonderful-sounding "Brandanowicz" on such a boring character, though.

Hell, I can't even imagine the name "Raylen Givens" in my head without hearing it in Boyd's slick-smooth whiskey-soaked accent.

Holy shit, I never made that connection with the Koopa kids. I thought it was just Ludwig. But then who's Larry named after?

Skwisgaar Skwigelf
Toki Wartooth
William Murderface
Pickles, the drummer
Nathan Explosion

Holy fuck, I thought I had dreamed this show.

I always knew I'd live to see the day it would be as revered as Seinfeld, Simpsons and South Park, the holy trinity of 90s sitcoms (I have never been a Friends fan and never will be). History has vindicated us.

These women are LADIES, these men are GEN-TLE, and tonight they're going to enjoy… PAUL MCSIMMS!!!

Most if not all NewsRadio episodes were uploaded to Youtube last time I checked.

Paul Simms is GOD. NewsRadio is the greatest show of all time. I'm happy he's still continued to have a career after that drunken pipe-bomb of a Rolling Stone interview from the 90s.

It's no Ex Machina? GOOD. Ex Machina was nothing more than a typical killer-robot movie with an unbelievably sloppy/contrived setup (random power outages? Realllly.) masquerading as feminist social commentary. All that movie did was insult my intelligence at every turn.

Too bad Let The Right One In wasn't made in the 80s.