The Jacquio

Unlike with most shows I love, I don't mind the waiting period in between seasons with this one. It gets better and better with each new season, but also increasingly punishing.

I could listen to him slowly, painstakingly tell his boring, uninteresting story for about an hour straight and I'd still be dying laughing.

I'm just about done rewatching it (which I NEVER do this quickly). Its just such a perfect little digestible show. I love that it's having such a moment, and I'm trying to enjoy it while it lasts. Hawkins, IN is not a place I'm in any hurry to leave.

Famous last words: "I want to be an architect."

*pours out a full 40 for Sarah Lynn*

And yet Nancy's mom doesn't knock. Weird contradictory parenting style.

Just before the bullies show up, Dustin and Mike have been wandering the woods calling out for Eleven as loud as they could, for god knows how long. It's not a stretch to imagine the bullies heard them from somewhere far off and followed the voices to their location.

"Trippin' On A Hole In A Paper Heart" is what finally sold me on this band. No more Vedder-isms, not sludgy and slow, just straight-up glam-punk with mildly Jane's Addiction style guitar and basslines. Fuck yeah, I could get on board with this. They were also one of the only 90s bands who could do a credible Doors

"#1 Crush" is peak Sex Goddess Shirley Manson. Jesus Christ, how was something this raw and unbridled allowed on the radio? Katy Perry'd give her left tit to conjure a tenth of this sultry passion.

FOC used to be all about the hot takes. Now it's a catchall for awesomely specific retrospectives like this one.

Great article, thanks for unleashing the flood of positive memories.

RIP women being funny 2011-2016. You had a good run, ladies. Now let the men have our spots back.

Dear Dan Savage, I have more than 2 prrrraeblems.

There is a far uglier undercurrent to the "friendzone" mentality which says, in essence, "I know what's best for you". Which is the very textbook DEFINITION of a sexist attitude — women shouldn't get to choose for themselves and all that. Because the more agency they have, the less you can control them, duh.

Over the years I've learned that if people ever meant something to me at one point, they most likely always will. That doesn't account for the many, many dear friends and old loves I have simply dropped without ceremony during all that time, but it's been instructive. I'm tired of missing everybody and tired of

:/ But Elfrid Payton was supposed to carry my fantasy team this year!

Haven't you ever seen the Breakfast Club? Jocks are just like us. They like smoking pot and dancing in sunglasses too.

This was awesome, I feel like I'm getting advice from a non-speech-impaired Coach Z. Can we keep it this way?

Re-watching Stranger Things. I'm totally gonna cry when this is over again.

Becky is my favorite, not just in the women's division, but probably out of the entire roster. She reminds me of vintage Lita, not in her style, but in the level of investment she makes me feel over everything she does in the ring. Her and Emma (my 2nd favorite) in a months-long program over the new SD women's title