Idk man..... I spent a lot of time jerking off
Idk man..... I spent a lot of time jerking off
The Sacramento Kings just did their best sixers impression by drafting so many bigs. Good lord
That analogy made me cringe. +1
This has to be the year for us, living in DC we have been waiting for some sort of championship to bring home.
Am I the only one who gets a little disturbed when beautiful played football loses to a “sit back and kick the shit up” type of offense? Then somehow I see my self rooting for Leicester every Sunday.
That’s eerily similar to Delle Ali’s goal. Weird
Scouts are enamored with “potential” it's almost become a word that has no definitive value but still gets players drafted ex. This years mock draft + players entering.
I’ll be watching this game in London somebody give me some comebacks for when I’m at the bar. Thanks
being a Liverpool fan I get confused seeing Henderson hold down the midfield so well on international leave
Don’t know what I should be more surprised by.
You’re making this a race thing when this is simply a style of play thing. Jahlil okafor, Parker and Winslow simply weren't annoying. Delly hansbrough and not so much zeller are gritty in your face players. If you played the game you would see why these guys are most hated when not on your team.
Warriors win by 20
he didn't look to excited after the shot either... Odd
I said the exact same thing us Liverpool fans gave him so much shit on Twitter for that goal but it was just out of this world. Can't see us winning any games with the vanilla style of play of Henderson, Lallana, and boring James Milner in the midfield together.
“Maybe heavyweight boxing is exciting again!?”
+1 fuck lax bros
JJ watt is sick, idk how he can even get off with rape being played on the tv