
Just as absurd as a virgin birth, walking on water, multiplying fish and loaves of bread, transubstantiation, and rising from the dead in my opinion. Religions are absurd.

Let’s not forget that Ivanka vacationed with Putin’s paramour Wendi Deng in August.

I don’t know that they’re blaming the organizers, but the national campaign itself. My mom is in rural Michigan, and she stumped for both Obama’s campaigns and Hillary’s this year. She said the difference between the two was staggering.

Nope. Face Your Punishment and Die in Prison.

This is a good combo. I’d like to add that over the last few years I, an avowed peanut butter lover, have gotten really into natural peanut butters and have done extensive product testing within the category in order to determine the best peanut butter. This blog comment is as good a place as any to finally reveal my

This is what I’ve been screaming at Democrats for decades, usually about granting new ‘emergency’ powers to domestic spying groups. We won’t be in charge forever and nobody ever hands BACK power, so we had better goddamned well be sure that every new authority we give the executive branch is something we’re

Which is really the tragedy of Obama’s administration... instead of dialing back Bush’s expansion of executive power, he continued to ramp it up. These are things we know in part thanks to leaks from Snowden and Manning. All the while liberals have been happy to condemn the whistleblowers and continue sucking


This? This? This is when a man finally decides to believe in rape? Not when we tell him, not when we press charges or testify or are emotionally broken. No, only when it’s actually a made up fucking excuse to justify murder. Seriously men, sometimes it boggles me that any women are straight, overall, you aren’t

I started one that claimed ISIS-conrolled slave labor was responsible for 78% of harvested pumpkin spice. Therefore, your pumpkin spice whatever is supporting ISIS. I got a few to buy in, but nothing grand.

can you imagine what that’s like? Going online, making friends with all the other conspiracy nuts? Now all of his friends think he’s part of a false flag operation? That’s gotta hurt.

So over the past couple of days I’ve been visiting Infowars and I gotta tell you something.....we’re surrounded by some seriously fucked in the head fellow citizens.

Schneiderman has already put out a statement that NYS is willing to sue the fuck out of them.

I’ve said this through the entire election. Democrats/liberals insist on fighting by Marquis of Queensbury rules against an opponent who is eye gouging, kicking us in the nuts, and using brass knux. I don’t care if she’d have been called a “bitch” for it, Hillary should have demolished him in the debates the first

Oh my god, this.

Also, “love army” is just too touchy-feel, SJW, liberal pussy shit for the crowd he’s trying to reach.

No snark at all - thanks for this post. JDI has done fantastic work advocating for reforms, particularly the Prison Rape Elimination Act in 2003.

This is a wonderful idea. I sent one. Our constitution bans cruel and unusual punishment, and that includes preventing sexual harm from happening to prisoners.