
So sorry for your loss.

Beside the point, but YES to the Garbo in snowmobile pants pic. When it’s that cold, go either glam or sasquatch. Usually hat head makes that decision for me, but I like your fight.

Wouldn’t a person so afraid of baldness that he sports the yellow ouroboros of desperation have forcibly relocated all working follicles to his scalp? Let’s be realistic, here. What’s on his head is probably 50% Ivari Secret Special and 50% chemically-straightened butt-crack fur, one could expect?

Straight chick who likes a dick pic here! Consensual, though, and standard parlance is “wanna see something?”

I need “problematic!” It’s a gentle intro to telling people in my that something they did is racist, sexist or classist because it doesn’t trigger the defensive reflex. If it’s going anywhere, I need a replacement, stat.

I hate mentions of how this turdswipe “hoped to go to the Olympics,” like any reference to the Olympic brand makes him extra-precious. First, you could say of any accused person you find sympathetic that they hoped to go to the Olympics. (One never knows when a gift for curling or race walking will emerge.) Second,