
It’s very tough. I hate when my opinions on games, movies or TV, align with bigots and idiots for completely different reasons.

I get it. And I enjoy it, but I can also understand people that legitimately do not like it.

The Discourse around Abby was *so* fuckin’ weird, and a small section of TLOU community has literally never been able to recover their fractured psyche after Part 2 took away Joel Who Was Actually A Shitty Person But They Have No Media Literacy And So They Made Him Their Video Game Dad.

I don’t like how you have no say over what you’re getting.

Kyle. Yuck. Sorry if your name is Kyle.

May I suggest “Chip” as a potential name for male Karens? Something about the name Chip sets my teeth on edge.

It’s Chad.  It’s definitely Chad!  You can’t top Chad!!! (white women here)

Road Rash 2 in C tier is the most egregious offense. That game was awesome.

You might say he could... RISE FROM HIS GRAVE... error.

Really, you just need to look at his background to see where this stuff comes from:

Notre Dame isn’t a motherfucking tragedy. What the fuck is wrong with you?

You either die a good game or live long enough to be a mobile game.

I hope that this is an isolated incident, and not something that becomes poutine.

Elliot Abrams is one of biggest monsters that walks free on this Earth.  We are an evil nation to make him part of our government.   Thank you Rep. Omar for this.   She’s braver than anyone else in Congress.  

the answer is: maybe.

When you hear about artistic exploitation for 16 years... 16 years? That sounds like a choice.

:) the aaliyah/timbaland song is making a eric b & rakim reference!

classics don’t die seems to be the theme here

You forgot one Samantha;

How does one create any source of fictional entertainment media with anything other than straight white Christian males that some people won’t consider pandering. If there are women, it’s pandering to feminists. If there are gay characters, it’s pandering to LGBTQ communities. What if it’s just a cool event that

Having Chinese themed skins in a Chinese holiday event? It’s a pretty major holiday for, like, 1/6 of the world’s population. And it’s a fun theme that fills the gap in the winter months. What’s the problem?