
Totally, I’m definitely not saying people who didn’t like Part II is a bigot, I totally understand that it’s a challenging game mentally and emotionally - even tho it’s like one of my top ones I literally couldnt play it for more than 2 hours at a time, just so brutal and mind messing and also uncomfortable that you

that’s the whole point of the game tho. Who’s the real villain? how far do we need to go for the ones we love? we follow (spoilers.....)

Joel and he’s the “hero” but he essentially murders an innocent doctor and the dad of Abby and also kills MAD people just to save Ellie who’s supposedly could save the world. Dont

Kinda love how everyone is complaining about Fandom’s ads on Kotaku where videos auto play and sometimes with loud audio so I have to mute my computer at the office, a huge ad display that covers the page that forces you to close it, and also has top 3/4ths page video ads that cover everything and won’t let you

I wonder if Lin is stepping down as Universal did not want to see the secret villain of the entire franchise to be Ja Rule. Johnny Tran was also in the works but they already have Han and studios are still balking at multiple Asian leads.

uhhhh I don’t know what game YOU played, but the Anacrusis I played that came out on Xbox Game Pass last week was literally as broken as a combination hookah and coffee maker that makes julienne fries. The hit detection was like if “Pit Fighter” was turned into an FPS, and there was barely any “zombies” in it to shoot.

the argument can be said that the dark tones on a GBA weren’t the true vision of Konami/Metroidvania makers and this is the way they actually intended, full colors and all.

I for one, love the stark colors, it’s definitely more flashy and cartoonish but then again not really looking at the GBA for a natural “real

living in Flushing/Queens area, my posse and I would get $5 chasu pork/roast duck/roast pig over rice combos in our backpacks and we’d make the whole theater smell like an Asian BBQ fantasy. TBH it enhanced “Black Swan” alot. The camera work! The umami!

also in high school there was a wendy’s near one of the theaters

I 100% wholeheartedly agree with you but lets not drag John Wick into this, he’s just out here tryna get revenge for his dead dog.

and definitely Chad is the male Karen.

but real talk, you’re right. this is the time for action.  speak softly and carry a big stick, but the time to speak softly is over. 

generally like your articles but this reeks of privilege and entitlement. I grew up in a household of “whatever’s on the table, you eat and you were grateful for it”, and outside of food allergies we weren’t allowed to be “picky”. If someone is cooking dinner for me and my kids in their home the last thing I would

it was bundled w every genesis in america at the time, it’s no super mario but cmon once WIZEFWOMYOGWABE came on it was OVER 

Just a quick fact check, I noticed you didn’t place Sonic 2, Streets of Rage 2 (for the soundtrack alone) and Altered Beast in God Tier.  Hopefully you can amend this grave error. 

the answer to this is question is a RESOUNDING “no”

If I’m flying I need a few packs of Mint Mentos and Strawberry Mentos. The chewing helps unpop ears during ascent/descent, but also doesn’t stick around like gum. plus those little chewy bois are so addicting. they never melt. they can be stuffed into a bag and never really break.  also they’re an easy pick up line

but when are we going to get the update where we can change our PSN names?! 

Now playing

my homie Robyn Anderson (part of Postmodern Jukebox) is one of the singers! It’s literally like going back in time but also your friend did too and now it’s like a paradox but you wait to deal with it until they’re done singing :p

typical night at the IZZNESS household

reading your articles is like watching a dope poetry slam; i want to slam my fists and snap profusely and give a Smokey “OH DAMN” at least ten times before I get to the end. 10/10

how could I forget that one too!!! PUMP UP THE VOLUME!

lol literally known as Chinese or Lunar New Year, and gets complaints that it’s too Asian.