
I'll do it for free. Not only because doing it would bring me immense pleasure, but the idea of doing work for free would piss Snyder off as an Objectivist.

I'm beginning to think that Zack Snyder believes Alan Moore and Frank Miller to be actual historical figures given his gross obsession and incredible misunderstanding of their work.

Yes, the ones studio execs think would be easy to market "Turbo" to but one of the most popular children's stories would be over their head.

It seems like a film that visually looks great but is slower-paced than what "mainstream" kids would be used to.

The series takes place over roughly three years, I think it would be interesting to see the kids actually age over time and not rush the storyline too quickly.

Regulation for some, miniature American flags for others.

I have a lot of emotional investment in these attractive nerds in silly-looking costumes.

I'm gonna shove that whole alley into a locker.

The way the Marvel shows have tackled issues like gentrification and sexual assault make me a little hopeful that maybe this is the perfect setup for them to tackle white privilege.

Does it have Jason Bourne in it?

I need photos, photos of Spider-Man.

Mark me down as cautiously optimistic.

David Bowie was very important to me in my high school years and this news has devastated me to the core. He will always be my hero.

DCCI Fans: Our films are superior to Marvel's because they're dark and take themselves seriously and don't need quips and jokes.
DCCU Film: *has quips and jokes*
DCCU Fans: ???

Another One Bites The Dust would be in very poor taste.

Brosnan gets a lot of flack for being in a transitional time period where they weren't sure what to do with the Bond franchise.

I feel like there's a correlation between Rachel's love for Japanese culture and her refusal to eat octopus.

As I understand it, Happy Madison more abusive and harder to leave than Scientology.

I'm really happy for them and I'm glad they're proud to have worked on this movie.

Here's some money. Go see a Star War.