The Intersectional Feminist part dos

You could apply that logic to anything.

Are you being serious with this question? It has been well documented that the Parkland survivors were receiving safety tips during the shooting via Twitter. 

No, we shouldn’t be banning cell phones at school. That’s not the answer.

Dear white person,

The minute they heard the words “government official,” the answer should have been “no.”

What fresh hell is this? And where is it?

Why the fuck is “suspended without pay,” capitalized?

Jordan, you are DEEP in the sunken place, man.

Go fuck yourself.

Go fuck yourself

Go fuck yourself. Voting for the GP does shit for our country.

“I’d rather vote for a party that will certainly not be able to accomplish any of its goals because I care more about my own personal beliefs than looking at the giant picture of our country and society as a whole.” - You

I don’t necessary disagree with you, but if you want more left, progressive candidates, then the time to show that is in the PRIMARIES, not the general election. It’s like when you’re arguing with your family: Yell all you want inside the house (primary), but once you leave the house present a united front (general

Ugh, I see you’re here. 🙄🙄


I hate you, LMAO 🤣 


I am enraged. Why do these assholes not understand that shooting or tasing someone in the BACK is unjustified since the person fleeing is not endangering anyone?!?! And a fucking 11 year old? How lazy must this fuck be to choose not to chase down an 11 year old? Instead, he elects to use a taser because he is a