The Intersectional Feminist part dos

My grandfather was a foster child since infancy and had to quit high school before graduating to go to work. I assure you his life wasn’t a yellow brick road to prosperity. But it would have been harder if he hadn’t been a white guy. There is a difference between “being white means your life is easy” and “being white

Same apartment, education, town, salary.

White privilege means that, if you join the Marines and get an education, you can smoothly transition into white liberal society despite your impoverished background. An opportunity that a similarly impoverished POC will not have. This never occurred to you?

My experience is that people who say white privilege “ doesn’t afford you any advantages” don’t really know any Black or Latino people (though I’d find that hard to believe if you’re from Texas). I grew up in a town like that but the reason there weren’t any Blacks in the area traced back to a series of high profile

thanks for this, I’m pretty disgusted by how dense most of the people in the comments are. This is a propaganda machine about classism and these people are eating it up. 

I know this world too, and sorry, but fuck this attitude. My white rural community was fucked, but you know was fucked even more? Indigenous communities nearby and black communities who had to live even more rural. The fact of the matter is that these people from liberal art colleges make just as many bad choices, but

They could vote for a good, humane social safety net like the smart people in the Blue States. They choose to vote for evil turds like Trump. They cut their own throats to “own the libs”. I don’t give a shit and will gladly step over their corpses because their willful ignorance drags us all down.

Here’s an interesting story about this mindset. Obama knew that coal was dying and subsidized renewable energy. He created free training centers in coal country so the miners could learn new skills installing and servicing solar panels and wind turbines. Guess what, barely anyone took him up on it. Working in a

Eh, it has its charms, but it’s definitely a “freedom as an abstract concept is always preferable to actual reality” kinda state.

My take is a little simpler: playing redneck has replaced playing the neurodivergent or intellectually disabled for Hollywood, as a cheap and sleazy way to earn an Oscar nod.

The motto very much encapsulates the state. EXAMPLE: No motorcycle helmet or seatbelt laws. Why? Fuckin’ FREEDOM, baby. If I roll my bike and splatter my cranial contents all over Route 111, that just means you can put “trynna live free” as my cause of death.

Taxes? Fuck you.
Social contract? I didn’t sign no paper.

I live in Louisiana, and in a particularly deep-red part of it (Acadiana; our batshit former LEO Congressman who regularly tweets about wife # 4's prophetic dreams just got elected to his 3rd term). The people who voted for Trump voted for him because it gave them permission to hate the people they already hated.

I would argue that Enchanted was Oscar worthy as well.

I really don’t care why poor white shitheads in poor red states constantly dig their own graves by supporting ghouls like Trump, McConnell and that fucking DINO asshole Manchin. They may get my sympathy when they are soundly defeated and the minority rule of the republican death cult is squashed.

exactly, and fuck everybody saying “well rural folk need to change their attitude”. America is there to fuck over these people, and JD is part of the problem.

Yeah, Arrival. That movie’s a masterpiece and Adams was just phenomenal in it. If she kept making movies that were anywhere close to the quality of Arrival, I wouldn’t care if she never wins an Oscar. Everyone already know she’s really good at what she does.

When people talk about the “it” factor, you can just point at Amy Adams. After bouncing around in one-off parts on Buffy and Smallville, it takes something special to score a movie with Leo DiCaprio and Tom Hanks and proceed to steal every scene you’re in.

I grew up in the Ozarks and this makes me weirdly defensive of the term ‘hillbilly.’ Ohio, north of Cincinatti? You’re too flat! You can’t be a hillbilly on flatland you’re just white trash.

This includes the fact that he’s gone on to continue being a Republican, right-wing economically, and while he occasionally makes paeans about how the GOP should go after the working class, he himself is a venture capitalist who’s worked for people like Peter Thiel, just about one of the most ghoulish enemies of the