The Intersectional Feminist part dos

Every time I think about all the expansion in Boston that leaves out black people and other POCs, I get HOT.

I’ll have you know my MA tax dollars are funding this school!



No one here is that stupid.

It’s a breath of fresh air that the cop actually deescalated the situation instead of assuming the white man was right. Can this happen more often, please?

These people are still here. There’s also one who always asks for bus fare to get him to his treatment program in some far away place. He’s asked multiple times. Like, dude. Really?

A train to Billerica? LMAO. As if.

I am beyond sick of the Boston stereotype. Those guys are a minority here.

Yes, I’ve known several people that have done Metco. One of them was bused to Lexington, and the other one went to Brookline. Of course, both school districts are great and predominately white. It is an extremely competitive program. It’s still going on today, but they only allow 3300 out of Boston AND Springfield to

The Lord is testing me today.

I just want to quickly interject that this is talking Boston the city *specifically*. Neighboring places such as Brookline, Cambridge, Somerville, etc...are a different district.

All I can think of is SheeshTheseNames’ remark: He is always like, “How do you do, fellow negroes?” Lmao

Rot in hell, you feckless cunt.


I cackled all the way through this article.

LMAO. I am honestly more disturbed by that than the racism. I mean, you expect the racism but being barefoot on a NYC sidewalk? The hell?

Hugs, Tiffany. ❤️

Why do y’all keep pulling Black conservative out of the grays??? When you don’t feed trolls, they die.

Why the fuck are you here?