
Yeah, basically all direct inject motors have this issue. I think the fact that in recent years the market has been flooded with them, means that soon we will see consumer complaints out the ass when they need service early. Now, being a performance car guy, and loving to wrench, this little cleaning job doesn’t

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I’ll just leave the Smoking Tire one take right here....

Like the article said, they were touring cars first and foremost. They are comfortable to drive and respectable in a straight line from the factory. With further bracing and power you can go as “race car” with the platform as you want. Granted aftermarket support for the 6 never got as big as support for the 3. Truth

You are close on these points but a little off. The comment about driving the car hard to keep it from carboning up, I think you are referring to the gunk build up from oil residue on the top of the intake valves. How you drive will have zero effect on that, you will have to clean them anyways and if you want to keep

Honest to God stock mazdaspeeds are like unicorns. Stocked out mazdaspeeds are a dime a dozen. Because there is more money to be made by parting out and selling the car. The fact that the seller calls this a WRX killer and talks about handling, plus the fact it has a diff mount, tells me it is more than likely a

The 1104 is a decent certification, but the D1.1 will pay you more. The API certifications I was referring to are 510 Pressure Vessel Inspector, 570 Piping Inspector, and 653 Above Ground Storage Tank Inspector. The market for API certified inspectors right now is great, there just aren’t enough of us out there. Most

My great grand father served on the New Jersey and it’s for that reason I plan to make the trip to see her while she’s still a floating museum. Those ships were incredible feats of engineering and the fact that their legacy has endured to this day is a testament to the power they wielded, both physically and

I got my start in NDE, ultrasonics, dye pen and mag certified, never got my level 2 in radiography but I have seen quite a bit of film and understand the technique. I don’t hold CWI, but I do hold all the major API certifications, they tend to be more lucrative in the market today. I want to go grab my CWI and CWI RI

Those are true wizards making true fuck tons of cash assuming they are on the civilian side of things. If they are on the military then they are wizards awaiting their truck ton of money, which will be delivered the day they are honorably discharged.

Most welders get their start on a mild steel MIG setup, it is the easiest to master and is an affordable rig. Aside from the hobby aspect of it, being a good welder is a lucrative career, especially for boiler makers, etc. Plus you can go beyong simply welding. Certified Welding Inspectors can make well over 50/60 an

Sadly, I don’t see much hope in this seeing the light of production. Mazda is a great company, they make very good quality cars that are well thought out, fun to drive, reliable, and affordable. But they lack the capital to invest in a limited production model like this. They have just released the ND Miata which is a

Clearly the answer is a 2013 Mazdaspeed 3 that has failing turbo seals letting oil burn off in it’s catless exhaust system, thus choking it’s owner out while sitting idle with his left foot constantly operating the clutch.

Way to avoid the obvious point Doug. Clearly no one buys conversion vans because no one wants to be thought of as a rapist.

I love the article, it was a great read. I have long said that the entire point of modification is to make yourself happy, whatever that may mean. I would never stance my car, nor would I go to a stance specific car show or forum. That does not mean that I don’t appreciate the time and effort the owners have gone


Mazda gets a lot of grief on forums from owners complaining of this. Particularly any of the “Mazdaspeed” vehicles. The reality is most these cars are modified well past an intake and exhaust, and we all know the game we are playing at that point. They never want to mention that Mazda is the only company I’m aware of

Will purchasing this stock cause my computer to burst into flames?

I’d be interested in it, but I’m not sure I’d want to sit in a car that killed its previous owner.

I wonder where Ford gained all this direct injection turbo knowledge....said the guy that owns a Mazdaspeed 3 with FoMoCo stamped in various places throughout it’s few remaining OEM parts.