Took me 27 years to try In-N-Out ans dude is right. Why the fuck is that place crowded all the time.
5 guys is infinitely better than In-N-Out. If you disagree let me know and we can arrange a meet up somewhere to fight, where the loser has to eat their weight in the lesser chain’s burgers and fries
Damn, how much more burning can California take?
his bike sounds like Satan spray-farting hammers into a sheet metal toilet
his bike sounds like Satan spray-farting hammers into a sheet metal toilet
Grew up in Raleigh. I remember textiles (including cloth put on furniture frames). They are gone, gone, gone.
You do know a cutter would be extremely replaceable right? Sure it’s a skill, but that’s not a hard one to teach. There is a reason there is low pay.
It’s not just the south, unions are losing everywhere and there are many reasons:
This might not be ignorance and backward thinking. The reality is that manufacturing jobs are getting automated and outsourced and the only way to keep those jobs is to keep the price of labor deflated. The article itself said it, the only reason that plant is in Canton is because of cheap labor and anti-union…
If your organizers can’t convince people a union is worth it in 13 years, either your message is fucked or people genuinely don’t want you there.
UAW calling out Nissan for using scare tactics to discourage unionization.. are you kidding me?
Let’s hope the guy got syphillis from the hookers that he drove around in that Ferrari.
68 year old grandmother daily drives a Raptor, jumps it, nails landing in a swimming pool.
I wouldn’t have thought grandmas were a target demographic for Raptors.
Sell the mazda3 and buy a mazda3 with the correct transmission?
I trusted you, Mazda. I advocated you many times, and sung the praises of your sportiness and value. This is how you repay me? You’re not as grounded to the ground as I thought.
Does that mean he’s not coming on then?
But meal subscriptions are tech optimized. Why do you hate Silicon Valley and their amazing ideas? Luddite.