
I don't really buy into this whole curses thing, but if it is true it sure goes a long way towards explaining why Mercury Morris hasn't stopped being an insufferable asshole for the last 40 years.

After leaving the team, Claiborne went to clear his head by spending a few days with his sister, Liz. He arrived with nothing but the clothes on his back and the playbook in his hand. Noticing that he arrived with not so much as a change of clothes, not even his Cowboys uniform, his sister exclaimed, "I don't care


Vanishing Extra Point

Gonna be a drag for the chappy when he wakes up to realize he really did spend 49.99 on that T-shirt.


Jesus Christ! His penis must be killing him!!!

In fairness to Marshall's claim that the story was, in fact, on camp, ESPN did cut out the scene of him reciting lines from Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus, in a room back lit with Tiffany Lamps, Dusty Springfield's Dusty In Memphis playing on a 1950's replica of a 1920 Victrola, Barbarella screening on a 9-inch 1948

Harbaugh: "We're not going to flinch, based on public opinion."

Serbian President, Tomislav Nikolic, said winning the silver was only slightly less exciting than the second time being Yugoslavia.

Raven's Fans Stand Up For Ray Rice; Eviscerate All Hope For Humanity



I love you too, Chid.

Sorry to hear that, pal. Best to your sister, your family.

In related news, the New York Post will no longer be using the term 'reporting.'

On the plus side, after seeing the error, Baltimore public schools said they will now make Shakespeare a mandatory part of their curriculum so this shit doesn't happen again.

Cool and extravagant as the house is, apparently the security system doesn't work for shit.

The Jim Abbott segment isn't so much a drunk history as it is an anatomy of his drinking problem.

That's great! +1