
As a good friend of mine might put it, this story is a good story.

I think you're on to something with that one. Also, Bill Drummond is kind of Scottish. Born in South Africa, but still a Scotsman. I mention Bill Drummond as I happen to remember this exchange.

Now playing

They also successfully incorporated the lyrics 'Ants in my pants and I need to dance' without sounding foolish.

Wow! You out-scotsed? us all on that one. Beautiful stuff, Erg.

Love it!

The Purloined Letter

Poor bastard blew through five dollars in quarters just to get that stupid milk can.

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Good having you around, Reuben. Best to you over at FiveThirtyEight.

Likely didn't help the waitress so much that she put sand in his Reuben either.

It's not anywhere in the instructions, but that doesn't so much mean that it isn't a thing that happens.

Another cool Easter egg, discovered by using the 'smile' function after hitting a home run, involves Brian McCann impeding your way by nailing himself to a cross just in front of home plate.

Used to be a time...and hell, I don't know, maybe this makes me seem old...but used to be a time when sayin' a thing like that was reserved for special occasions. Kind of like watchin' the television. Never used to be a 24 hour thing and you'd only gather around with the family after dinner and watch a show or two.

Well, I got a lot more done at work today than I have for two weeks now. So I suppose that it wasn't such a bad thing.

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Still on Drag City after all these years—it's own little corner of paradise. Good weekend to you all.

The coverage of the World Cup has been so bad in Northern France that residents in Bayeux have resorted to stitching together a fucking quilt just to keep record of what might have happened.

I don't think it's so fair to label an entire stadium as 'foggy' when only one man there is shown questioning his faith.