
My dear old Gran’ma once told me “Stir biscuits as if each stroke takes a year off your life.” And damn if it doesn’t work.

Lucky Brand 221 Original Straight. Others may or may not like these, but for my body the fit is perfect. I’ve also never paid full price, usually get a pair for $40-$50 from TJ Maxx or Nordstrom Rack.

Lucky Brand 221 Original Straight. Others may or may not like these, but for my body the fit is perfect. I’ve also

4. Has Ben Affleck ever met an autistic person?

They really do get so many negative calls.

Jesus christ, every time FA shares something we get to hear you guys bitch about it. You’re not the only people who read this website. If you don’t want to read these kind of articles, don’t fucking click on them. It’s that simple.

I agree. The bottom line it that being right about issues (equality, the environment, education, etc.) is great, but it is of little value if you cannot find the path to success. I don’t care for Jost, and I think he is dangerously close to suggesting some level of pandering, but the sentiment of trying to figure

Burfict is unlikely to learn anything unless the NFL hits him with a fine, and then, immediately and without warning, justification, or explanation, hits him with a much bigger one.

Here’s the thing though. Democrats did. I reposted this all over the place today, but it bears repeating.

Not black.

And then they came for the group gatherings, And I didn’t speakup because I could go to the bar; And then they came for the barkeeps, And I didn’t speak up because I could stream illegally; And then . . . they came for me . . . And by that time i was watching porn because, who cares about Jags V. Titans?

I once chased a bear off with a golf cart and bottle rockets. That’s as close as I will come.

But a goal like that only happens once every five years, Mohra less.

Billy, that is a lot of excitement over amir volley.

You and actually have a nice little rapport. Can you keep up correspondence with him and his old lady and report back to us?

Hello. I request a recurring series containing all Feinberg story pitches that never see the light of day. I would chuckle most contentedly.

When you use the term “horse sports,” all I can think of is horses competing in human sports. Horse wrestling, horse shotput, horse javelin, horse cycling. What a world that would be!

I’m generally of the opinion that something I’m planning to light on fire should cost at least more than 1/10th of what the “real” version of that product costs.

I’m generally of the opinion that something I’m planning to light on fire should cost at least more than 1/10th of

“which cause the T-cells of the immune system to produce antibodies”

Typical herb post

But there’s no real check up on this. It’s basically the honor system. You can register your dog on their website and then just buy a vest from Amazon.