
I don’t think he was ‘making demands’. He said ‘This is how I do my voice. If this is good for you, then cool.’ Blame the producers, if anyone. Seth was just upfront about how is performance would be and they still hired him despite that warning.

Yeah I’m not sure either. The morality is very questionable but it’s consistent with Costner’s wackadoo sensibility going back to Waterworld and The Postman. Also I was watching the premiere and thought “wow this Ram truck ad is going on forever” then realized the commercial break was over a minute ago. It’s that kind

What You Should Know About Guillain-Barré Syndrome and COVID Vaccines

Shit, I’ve not experienced someone being so wrong on the internet before. Genndy's version is awesome, the audio alone is worth tuning in for, just like in SJ

I will forever and ever hate the Hurricanes for what they did to the Sabres in the mid-00's, and existing, when they should be the goddamn Hartford Whalers. But man, that clip of them raising the blood pressure of Don Cherry and Brian Burke warms my heart ever so slightly.

What happened?  I am asking as a concerned reader and not because I have Photoshop ideas.

Username checks out.

Really? They own three branches of government and dominate state legislatures and governorships.  They are doing a heckuva job at “beating themselves.”

“ You’re falsely stating I support the hit.”


This is important! Boston fans (post-2004) are the most insufferable people in America and must be humiliated at every possible opportunity.  

I thought I ran out of tears in 2018 but then you gave us this poem.

We sit and argue

Ichiro no go

“who won a Rose Bowl with the University of Washington and then played 17 seasons in the NFL before retiring in 2000"

This reminds me of the time I was starting a Zoology test I was in NO FUCKING WAY prepared for back in college. It was a make or break-type of class, where students with dreams of working in science or medicine were run through the gauntlet to separate the contenders from the confused, and this was my time! The first

I think I’m sold - is there a model / brand you would (or already have) recommend(ed)? The reviews on amazon are all over the place and my google results seem connected to sponsored sites.

Well ain’t that some shit. I had to wait till her last day to find out we went to the same school?

I feel like this is a common reaction of western viewers of Totoro. Totoro very much has its roots in traditional Japanese monogatari (folk tale) story telling styles. Whereas Western stories tend to emphasize structure (a narrative that drives from development, tension, to conclusion),

Thanks for that rather heroic effort, Claire. A note for those who feel the need to taste blood pudding is that it is unlikely you will be constipated the next morning.