Do you have an example that makes this comment relevant?
Do you have an example that makes this comment relevant?
Thank you for patience and thoroughness in explanation. This also really illuminated for me how the hasbara comms strategy influences public opinion on contemporary topics, like the bizarre claims of anti-semitism in the UK labour party.
The thing is, it’s not a safe space for ethnic and religious Jews. They’ve let thousands of Ethiopian Jews die by denying them entry in the 70s and 80s, expelled some from the country for crimes unknown, and have historically targeted Arab Jews for cultural extinction (famously taking away newborns from Arab Jews and…
I came here to post Mashrou’ Leila as well! And apparently as some of my Facebook friends have been posting, Lebanon is a country that should have been on this list as opposed to others... Deleting people recently.
I understand. It’s more of the idea of rebuilding an infrastructure and creating a form of government that would be stable over time. I know there have been incredible ground movements for local councils and horizontal self-governance both before and during the revolution that have popular support; it’s the idea that…
The neighbors in the immediate vicinity have done more than they are even capable of doing, to the detriment of their own populations. The US and other western countries need to do more than make vague promises of support and start sending money to institutions that are capable of supporting these countries.
All this makes me want to say is fuuuuuuuuuuuuck yoooooooou (I mean, not you Rachel). I live in a country that houses over a million registered Syrians. Be better.
Uber, is that you?
I honestly think you give human emotion too much credit here. It’s just as easy to say that human empathy has evolved in a way to maximize food and other resources.
Yeah, my boyfriend's favorite.
Using noble as the call word for the unsaid "savage." This is beyond fucked up. Will not click. Will not discuss outside of these spaces.
Excellent article! I will also forever love Quinn for establish an amazing real world Hackers reference. Acid Burn foreverrrrrrr.
I'm slightly teary at my desk after watching this. This movie is unexpectedly everything to me, and I love Jenny Slate because of it.
I'm sort of inclined to agree. I can't conceive of a sorority system having formal recruitment during the school year. That makes zero sense. If you have to recruit, you do informal recruitment, which is just like... "Hang out at our house" stuff. The level of intensity of formal recruitment is not compatible with…
I agree with your point that the people on the ground are ignored. It's that very reason that makes military intervention so ineffective, and that this sort of extremism continues to flourish.
Ostentatious displays of wealth will forever be considered tacky (by me, at least).
I have a chronic complainer roommate. I just shut down when they start. I can't deal with it anymore because it is about every. single. thing. Also, it feels like they are giving me tasks to do (this one glass did not come out perfectly crystal clear from the dishwasher! we should clean it with vinegar [or whatever…
Michelle Alexander just gave you a huge compliment and linked to you from Facebook. FYI for all that implies.
I don't think anyone is suggesting that children be abandoned, but rather that the language of expectation of women and feminists doing the work be examined.