Incredible Edible Egghead

I cannot believe no one has mentioned Washington state. That is some seriously sad shit right there. "I am thankful for the ability to feel feelings." Which actually sounds about right. I'm from there after all, and it sounds like something I would say.

Milania is my favorite person.

I HAVE A SECRET WEDDING BOARD. How common is this?

I worked for a place in my youth that did the same thing. I live in a fairly large west coast city, and was liberally outraged. I looked it up thinking there was no way a place could operate like this, and yep! Legal. I was so happy to give my notice, and shaudenfreuded the hell out of their shuttering.

The first thing I thought was that this was another indicator of nature wanting us to have group sex.

My state is pretty awesome (it gets an A+ from Naral Pro-Choice Washington, while neighbor Idaho receives an F-). Here's a new thing to happen though: the Catholic church is buying hospitals all over the western (read: liberal) part of the state, and refusing to provide abortion services in what used to be safe

It's not about reproductive rights per se, but the idea of sex-selective abortion. It's a very complex issue, but the real problems lie with the ever increasing (and illegal) cost of dowries. Having a daughter becomes an economic burden. Added to this is the patriarchal dividend of having an adult son become the

I transitioned with butter by using earth balance. When I had a particularly rough day and my bf suggested pizza, he found some trader joe's vegan cheese shreds which melted perfectly. The only challenge is restaurants, which I've found put cheese on everything, even if not indicated on the menu. I really do recommend

This advice is obviously not for everyone, but from my experience: Stop eating dairy. My skin improved dramatically by cutting it out.

We are discussing shared experiences of one group based on oppression by another group. Those experiences are shared, but on different sides of the same coin. If one group refuses to acknowledge the existence of the oppression, then I could see it be argued as a manner of faith (whatever you're trying to argue there).

"...a matter of faith." Or, a commonality of shared experiences, which were the origins of the modern american feminist movement.

Or maybe there doesn't have to be a "standard man" and you can go ahead and be yourself without judgement.

There is a lot of feminist literature regarding intersectionality. There have been many critiques of earlier feminism for its focus on middle-class white women, and the movement has become better because of it. Being serious about equality requires constant reform and rethinking of existing frameworks and I think

There is an abundance of literature that casts doubt on the veracity of your claim.

See: George Stephanopoulos.

Thank you! It's a delicate subject, to say the least.

I think one of the issues is cultural relativism. By saying that it is a cultural issue and that they should do whatever their culture deems appropriate (which is, as a professor noted, just another, if more subtle form of cultural supremacy) there is a withholding of human rights for some people. Not every aspect of

This is exactly what I was telling my friend (a new Breaking Bad devotee) the other day. I found the characters to be deeply uninteresting. The characters do nothing interesting, have no interesting motives and seem unpleasant for the most part. It's just the most boring thing in the world. I gave up during season

Again, these women are not reproducing alone. It is not only women that benefit from birth control.

Just to nit pick, it's not really "someone else" paying for birth control. We all pay insurance premiums that cover a variety of medical costs. There are a myriad of reasons as to why, such as: