The Impossible Jag

If this writer is located in or around Chicago, I would hope against hope they have found an adequate Harold's Chicken Shack. A properly run Harold's should satisfy your fried wing cravings.

As a basis for this Batman, they may want to provide a little more character building for the average fan. I don't necessarily care which story they tell, I just think a solo story may want to have some real consequences to it. WB has already established that bad things have happened to this Batman that isn't just his

after fighting Doomsday, Steppenwolf, knowing that Darkseid is coming and having the cellphone number of Superman, yes, the idea that he is doing nightly patrols in his mid 40s is sort of eyebrow raising. The existence of greater threats should sort of rearrange priorities don't you think?

Need more Veep updates.

please let this be out of the current DC movie universe and closer to the Killing Joke. I don't want to think of this after the JL movie with him just back to patrolling Gotham for shits and giggle. His character is late 40s and I just can't suspend belief that he is doing nightly patrols

pure speculation but I highly doubt everyone makes it out alive at the end of this one. Vision for sure but I would suppose some heavy hitters also get it. Part 2 should be entirely in space and confirm Quasar and Adam Warlock. Any ideas on if Ms.Marvel is fully powered in her debut or will that come later?

The extended cut helps ease some of the mistakes that movie has. Idk why they edited out some very important story plots concerning Lex. It doesn't make up for anyone's performance but it does help out at times. They just need to re cast Eisenberg and write Lex as a grown up in charge of a billion dollar company and

Also consider that said pretend girlfriend is maybe more attractive than said wife and doesn't require the energy requirement that a relationship requires. Plus, I mean, the power trip alone would be enough for most men. No I think this sex industry has pretty much gotten things covered.

I may be wrong but 2 seasons was all they intended to have and the ratings were God awful thereby killing any push for a 3rd season.

Aziz typically has an R&B/Rap component to his stand up so his call back to Chris Brown is perfectly within context of his and his fans interest and the criticism of both CB and Trumps fans as able to turn a blind eye on their integrity and character issues is completely appropriate.
You may want to apologize to the

Will both main characters be gender swapped? This sounds like the Tina Fey/therapy storyline on the Unbreakable Kimmy thing. That three or four episode subplot had about as much steam as a tea kettle, so I'm guessing this will last about 6 episodes and I'll be subjected to some lame Twitter call to save it before it

But I'll be completely honest. Please don't attempt a music career unless your talent can back it up.

She believes that the person that loved and cared for her is her father. That's a good thing. My opinion on that individual aside, her short life has seemingly been filled with some really dark turns and I hope the remainder of it becomes something else entirely.

if this is meant to irk him, idk how effective it would be. What people really should do, is find his childhood nemesis and the girl he lost his virginity, tape the conversation and air it during prime time.

Don't you think it's ironic, that the two individuals you cited, aren't actually behind bars partly due to their fame and status , yet you clearly have made a judgement about their guilt? I really wish we could depend on the criminal justice system to work correctly in these situations but it rarely does and I'm

That could have been it. Like she was anxious to close her mouth before finishing her sentences. I hope she gets more screen time in the future.

I support his war on flavorless ice balls. When he comes for pop rocks and chick-o-sticks though, I'll know him for the snack hating monster he truly is.

If you are talking about the couple in bed sketch, may I ask this question. Was there something off about her delivery? Maybe I'll need to watch it again cause it seemed funny but I wasn't laughing.

Would rather individuals keep children out of their cross hairs but can't say I agree with her losing a job over it. People love latching on to a concept and running it straight into the ground.

At best, we can hope that the return on investment on bankable characters will allow them the latitude to try new ideas. I'm not optimistic this will happen but they do want to keep this cash cow going.