The Impossible Jag

Seems pretty standard and vanilla title. Not bad. Not good but expected. Until those lazy force ghost get around to helping out, Luke really may be the last possible link to the old Jedi order. Could we see a change to a blended force users that forgoes the notion of emotional detachment and understands the gray areas

Le sigh! That just isn't what is lacking for these particular set of films. The DCU could easily fill a film niche, that Marvel refuses to provide, with fleshed out and engaging super villains and anti-heroes. Honestly it screams in your face. Suicide Squad, as an honest to goodness capeless caper film, would have

Yes but he is the best at being shitty. Anyone else would have stumbled in to a passable role or movie eventually.

The new ones are typically the better ones to get you in and get you out.

This season has been so strong. Coming off a few seasons, in which I would become physically ill while watching these characters, I have come full circle and remember why this show is so good.

Eisenberg came across more like The Riddler. He was an utter disaster.

I'm just going in to see Wonder Woman. Everything else will just be white noise to me.

Mack better get going pretty soon or else. His character seems like a loose end that might be offed at seasons end in order to raise some rather tepid emotional stakes. I know this is all leading up to Civil War and it's fallout but this slow burn pace won't last long without Bobbi and Hunter.

Maybe for a time period after the initial seeking of assets and on the possibility of Clark finding a buyer for that stuff. Seems more likely The federal government could claim ownership since as an infant, Clark was not the sole inventor or proprietor of any of that tech, his father was. Furthermore, since kryptonian

Though I'm hoping for a plethora of visual sight gags, the kids running through Stormwind, etc., something that blatant might just feel shoehorned. The tone of this probably shouldn't mirror the laugh riot that was the Dungeons and Dragons movie adaptation. unless we get a montage of them assembling a team and someone

The character you may be referring to is Garona who is only half Orc. Though that doesn't excuse them of trying to sex her up by 75%, there could still be some female orcs closer to what one would expect. Hopefully.

This seems fine. That character is going to need to shine in lots of darkly light areas and portray an unending sense of remorse and sadness. She should be able to accomplish that. Admittedly I thought she was being cast as Sam but gladly that isn't the case. She also will have some scenes involving nudity which is a

Also, I hate the usage of Beast and Mystique as centralized characters in these otherwise outstanding films. Mystiques combat ability has never been addressed and her abilities are just one note. Yeah I get it. The overarching theme of hiding in plain sight and fighting for acceptance in a world that is typically

As an aside, wonder what this series would have looked like, if First Class had used JLaw as Emma Frost instead of Mystique. Could have used her diamond form to incorporate the physical fights and her fledgling telepathy as the link between her and Charles. maybe given her backstory within the Hellfire Club, which

Seems like Mr. Nolan was politely asking him why he mad the useless trip out to see him. Snyder knows Christopher Nolan didn't create The Batman right?

Wonder if this Punisher will be an established character that the MCU hasn't showcased yet or if he will have to slog through the whole origin. Would be nice if the urban legend and whispers of some guy that puts an end to criminals with extreme prejudice was enough to get the character up and running.

Seems needless to try a Han Solo prequel. Make a new damn character within a universe that could handle millions of new characters. Generate a random name, insert smuggler and profit.

My DD/MI client just asked me what the Golden Globes were and why I was watching. I had no acceptable answer.

He is a Chicago area police officer right? CBS probably wanted to avoid that inevitable episode involving the shooting of a black teen and all the comedy that results from the cover up.

These aliens understand the murky gray area that biological warfare presents and the inevitable doom it brings us all.