The Impossible Jag

Dolphins are known for humping but Google seals and rape. I say this in all seriousness. The first three hits are "seal rapes penguin". They are pure monsters.

Exactly! Everyone knows that seals are the true rapist of the natural world.

Man I remember when something called TheBlaze would have just been the tri county areas only source for classic rock.

This show sucks balls and any analysis should look through that lense first. Why does Danny do things? Cause this show sucks is why.

Why are we assuming someone told Negan about Ricks plans when he is probably talking about the removal of the bombs, barb wire cars being moved, Daryl escaping, Sasha attacking the compound? He senses something greater happening and assumes Rick is behind it is how I took that comment.

she is either 23 or 64 years old depending on which picture you look at.

Randy seems all types of bad for everyone involved.

Jaden Smith should have gotten it.

Is anyone else reading off these band names and feeling utterly out of the music loop?

Can someone give me even the tiniest rationale as to why people would be upset about what happened during the Oscars?

I don't know about the rest of you but I need a return of Gail the snail like asap.

Who cares? This shitgibbon is so stupid. He has to keep Obama hold overs because his administration can't populate all the vacancies and wants to complain when they leak his garbage? They are TRYING to bring to light the cesspool that is your administration! It would actually be funny if he understood politics but

so he was only doing that "president" gig in anticipation for this huge pay day? He really is histories greatest monster..

Slow down chief… A song about fucking a dog in the ass doesn't have any bearing in his amazing UFO research. Guilty until proven innocent!

They are all turning into their parents. Hannah has her most healthy relationship with a gay man, Jessa is just going to burn through people and Marnie will eventually be a stuck up housewife with ex husband drama.

they found a hidden cache of leathers and such within the garbage dump next to the flowbee vacuum extension they use for their haircuts.

this show is inching closer and closer to a serialized and Americanized Mad Max universe. Next season will have Rick driving across the wasteland of American for some stupid reason.

Add a Rosita in there and I'm with you.

The garbage pail kids and their dialogue was just cringe worthy. Trash people only have time to talk in segmented sentences? Sometimes this show tries things that really aren't necessary.

So, female Beast?