The Illiberal Press

Why does the reviewer continue to misspell Mark Linn-Baker's name?

Random, but I like it.

Plump up Carol from The Walking Dead

I know right! I called one of these tourists and we got right in each others' faces. It was completely worth it though. I mean the signs were right there!


Thank you!

Well I know what I'm buying this weekend. Vive Kekistan!

Oh sweet ad hominem attacks, truly you are the virtuous one here. I have no issue with White people. Clearly the reviewer does and maybe you do too. I don't understand it, but I am willing to listen to arguments if you can provide even one.

Am I the only one hearing Eleanor Rigby in this song? I mean the violin part.

I'd say the next Shia LaBeouf.

Anna Torv and Jonathan Groff, well sign me up.

Oh shit, you're right. Look at those cheeks, so tight. Mmh those squats are working.

Someone needs some lithium

Hahahahaha, ouch. Ouch.

Show me one thing that proves any of them are White supremacists, taking context into account, and I will change my mind. Declaring that a conversation is over because you don't like the other person's argument is, for lack of a better word, childish.

Clearly it isn't or all of the people being called Nazis recently would be advocating the killing of people outside of their race. I don't see Pewdiepie, JonTron, Sargon, Shoe or anyone similar doing that. Do you? Would it be OK to punch them?

Pewdiepie sent that message because it was so wrong he didn't think anyone would do it. It was clear in the video that was his intention. He sent other objectionable messages to people on Fiverr and they did not do them. Intention and context matter.

Of course there are actual Nazis, who are racist, believe Aryan supremacy and subhuman. However with the loose definition of the term Nazi nowadays, e.g. the Pewdiepie
situation, you can justify punching anyone who you disagree with, especially those right of you. I'm using 'you' in the plural sense. You are not

Just as it is ridiculous to call people cucks and SJWs, it's ridiculous to call other Nazis and advocate punching them. What is wrong with everyone? God forbidden we actually engaging in meaningful discussions and see people as individuals and not "the other".

I think there are a few tiers, but I can only think of 4 right now. 1) Streeps, 2) Pitts, 3) Stewarts, 4) Hasselhoffs. I'd like to think most are between 2 and 3, which isn't a bad place to be.