The Illiberal Press

He sounds hot and Italian.

I like her and I like her films, but that is very true. Her range is limited, not non-existent, just limited.

I can't tell if that sarcasm or not.


The Prince Of Egypt, The Road To El Dorado, Chicken Run and Antz "have their defenders"? You're making them sound like bad movies, they all quite good maybe even very good especially The Prince of Egypt and Chicken Run. Those two are better than many Disney animated films. Also I'm suprised Shrek won the Oscar when

I like Nerdwriter too, but AV Club is sucking his nuts just a bit too hard. This isn't even one of his good videos.

I'm sad it's gone, it was goddamn hilarious.

I don't know why but I laughed so hard at this. Bloody hell man I'm at work, you can't do this to me.

Show me your ways, Master Jedi.

What films were you watching? The majority of people didn't see a touch of that.

I honestly never thought of that before. Still though…

Cap was wrong to lie to Tony. I understand why he did it, but he should have told the truth, he's the goody two shoes of the group. However, I will disagree with you about the rest. He didn't paralyzed a friend, Vision did, accidentally I might add. His friend knew jail was a possibility and they joined him anyway,

You should read the report from the investigation that the American Humane Association did. It is a conditioning technique, the dog was not injured, showed no signs of stress when filming, the footage was even of two different days. The entire thing was fake news peddled by organisations who wanted get 'news' out

No is the answer you were looking for. If it's wrong to doxx a trans person, then it is wrong to doxx everyone. Unless of course you don't believe in equality. Also, what did Milo say that supports White nationalism? And unless you have spoken to the majority of people at his meetings you have zero idea what their



Hmmm Sorbo on SG, Doig and Bacic on Arrow. Is Andromeda trying to infiltrate Berlantiverse?

Woah, Stargate SG-1 is better than al of these shows!

I believe he already had magic (I assume for his mother), but learnt to harness it in Africa.
