The Illiberal Press

1. I 'liked' Nate's dispatching. I thought it was a great character piece (like all of Kingdom). I wish it hadn't happened because Nate deserved better than anyone else in the show, but it was gloriously realistic. The only regret I have is that we spent so little time with him and Will in this season, we don't know

I absolutely love this show. I cried thoughout the finale, which was kind of frustrating. Although, I've changed my mind about the Dom situation (he really was a mostly useless character) and wish we had closure with the Christina/Cody situation, I really am sad that they didn't catch up with Will. If they had gotten

Star Trek has evolved, goddamn it. You can have atheists and theists. I'm disliking DSC more and more with every story.

I do so love his muscles.

Wooooo Mr. Tucker. I love that guy. His acting is just perfect.

I could not agree more.

I wasn't a huge fan of Amy at the beginning, but now that she's left I'm a little sad; she grew on me. Now to learn Dom's dastardly scheme.

YAY! Efron is back in a musical!

I thought Alicia was annoying and whingy last season. Now Dom is a creepy fuck, but I think he fits in well even if he is a random villain.

If only I lived in Maidenhead, I would have voted for my lord and saviour.

Oh my god you put The Mummy Returns in seventh place!?

I absolutely love this show! I'm glad it ended on a high, like I assume Kingdom will. 3 seasons, perfect. I did find it weird that Nora thought Kevin wouldn't believe her, out of everyone on earth he's the one who would believe her the most. But I guess she was trying to justified not calling him to herself.

Come on! He only had sex with a fruit.

Woooo! Kingdom is back! It was such a shift, this first episode, I don't know if I really go into it. Mostly, Amy and Maya really knocked me. I hope I like the next episode more.

I just want CBS to say it's in the fucking Kelvin timeline. "Meh meh meh it's set in the Prime timeline meh meh meh." Bullshit!

But I'm allergic to nuts and love pork!

Typical righteous dude, doesn't matter about ideology. There are people everywhere who that their actions are correct.


Wait, you think Enterprise it good? I mean maybe the last couple of seasons, maybe.

Do you think there's going to be an arc in season 3 where Ix-plop gets a ring that somehow has yellow sun radiation and she becomes Krypton's first superhero? She'll have a plucky sidekick from House El who is a tailor, expert hacker and is in love with her.