
And vicious, blood-thirsty capybaras!

Ok, so... When they’re done, what happens? Do they drop into the piranha-infested river? Do they get dragged back up one at a time onto the bridge with the next person weighing them down? Or are their corpses left out in a rotting line, helmets gradually falling into the water, as a warning to others never to try

This does look hideous, but considering ball-bots are now a thing, something like this might be able to stay upright on its own. Turning might be interesting if all directions are good. The tires do appear to be the weak spot.

You can’t trust Chuck Jones. He wasn’t the anarchist previous directors were.

Aaand it’s over before it starts. Short.

I want my Caroline Porco minifig with a teeny Cassini!

So they’re flying open bladed quad-rotor machines with limited charge in a country where the 2nd greatest resource is ultra-fine sand. Bound to be a winner.

Anyone know what the atmospheric pressure is like compared to Earth? I know we’d freeze solid, but it would be nice not to be in near vacuum

Energy is always coming in from the sun, smacking the atmosphere’s gas molecules and speeding them up. The molecules sometime get so much energy they are able to escape the planet’s gravitational hold. A body like the moon with weak gravity can’t compete with the the sun’s energy. Think of the planet mercury, fairly

I reread his short stories a few years ago and while there’s interesting ideas, they reek of 50s attitudes and writing. The book blade runner is based on was almost unreadable last time I looked at it. I hope the stories update well.

Since Bats has a casual, glancing relationship with physics, and all his science fiction devices work perfectly, I can imagine that he uses a platform with the steam boiler to shoot him up to the tops of the tallest tenements. The “leathern wings” would also be for a glider to swoop back down. Love the article.

If one is a bronze expo-skeleton with clockwork actuators, I’m calling time-shenanigans.

For the past three years I’ve tried to find out about film rights to this story. The first time I checked I discovered the agency lost my letter, and when pressed, didn’t even answer in a full sentence. Since then, they’ve been more polite in telling me the rights aren’t available. I’m assuming, as a Hugo-winning

When I’m not cooking (and eating) I’m a film maker. Parchment is used on smaller set lights as a quick diffuser all the time. A couple of c-47s (clothes-pins) to hold it in place and away ya go! Just be sure it’s not directly contacting the hot light.

Dingoes might steal some space baby and start an interplanetary war.

They delved too deep, awakening things that shouldn’t be awakened.

I think it’s wrong to compare him with Tony Stark. The man is clearly Gyro Gearloose!

Is anyone going to put the names Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatty together?

Repo Man for the win. He was brilliant in that film

Absolutely. But ID’s for everyone in the party is not.