
Since Bats has a casual, glancing relationship with physics, and all his science fiction devices work perfectly, I can imagine that he uses a platform with the steam boiler to shoot him up to the tops of the tallest tenements. The “leathern wings” would also be for a glider to swoop back down. Love the article.

When I’m not cooking (and eating) I’m a film maker. Parchment is used on smaller set lights as a quick diffuser all the time. A couple of c-47s (clothes-pins) to hold it in place and away ya go! Just be sure it’s not directly contacting the hot light.

Absolutely. But ID’s for everyone in the party is not.

Earlier this year my family stayed at a Motel 6 in Thousand Oaks, CA, there was a sign posted saying they needed ID for everyone staying at the hotel, and that they made reports to law enforcement about who stayed there. Since it was 2 am, I said there was no way I was waking my family except to get them into the

Argh. I need only yesterday, Marnie, and arriety.

Argh. I need only yesterday, Marnie, and arriety.

Worth noting, yeah this statue is very racist & so was the article written 2010. It doesn’t say much about Foster though, who may or may not have been as racist as any other white dude for the time.

Lots of smart writers stab at these things. I’ve read plenty of articles talking about the same problems under Reagan, Bush 1, and Clinton. Then Gingrich made it an all-out war. The problem is that under our constitution the party that gets 50.00000001% percent has the upper hand in a range war. It’s baked into our

My parents, who have partial Italian background, named me Tony, but like, “ey! It’s To-ny!” So nobody would give me any crap. I told my girls that story while making them sugar-violets for one of their birthday cakes. Yeah, I’m a big guy, but I try to spend more time smiling than sizing up mooks for cement shoes.

I was just thinking that. Now pick out Ansel Elgort from a line up.

I used to be happy with FatCow. Now it’s $120 a year for small mailboxes & poor service. I’m glad this article came out.

I used to be happy with FatCow. Now it’s $120 a year for small mailboxes & poor service. I’m glad this article came

It was real clear and every spoke about it except his staff and the media when in print. Mental states are hard to gauge from the outside. And considering how many world leaders are truly mentally deranged (Stalin, Hitler, Idi Amin, etc.) it’s somehow accepted by humanity.

I just hope they’re as competent as they work to gut the budget in order to pay for a giant military under the Pence presidency.

Might have been a pregnant friend. The article is unclear.

Thank you for a very well-written, insightful, and personal article. If one happens out here I’d wear a star or look up Roma identification.

All stars to you!

I have a daughter who takes 20 minutes to figure out what she wants, has two bites, and then we have to carry it around with us for the rest of the night because she’s going to eat it later and it’s HER food! Needless to say it would sit in the refrigerator for two weeks. We made a 24-hour rule. If it’s not gone in

I’ve got a bunch of California Bays in my yard, and they smell great. I through hell of one in my stews, and it’s a kick ass flavor that I love. Don’t cook with those pansy-ass Turkish leaves. Bah.

One thing I think religious folks have in common, for good or ill, is a common story to tell and organize around. Communities organize around the stories we tell, whether it’s the story from the MCU, the Bolshevik revolution, West-Coast rapppers, or the Bible. I grew up on Greek mythology, Broadway show tunes, and

There is a story in South America that the armadillo wanted to make music, but wasn’t able to. He wanted to make music so much, that he would give his life for it. So in South America they make a type of guitar OUT OF THE BODY! Yikes! Happy fairy tale ends in death. So sad for guitarmadillos.

What would be really cool is if we could clone those magnificent creatures from the DNA they left behind. Imagine them majestically roaming the streets of Chicago.