
I had mumps as a child in the mid 60s, and it was considered more of a joke back then appearing in cartoons, comics, etc. But it ain’t great for adults, and my dad had to stay away until I was done.

If you look at the Kepler images, they’re like this. A couple of pixels per star. Scientists are fucking amazing!

There is a story in South America that the armadillo wanted to make music, but wasn’t able to. He wanted to make music so much, that he would give his life for it. So in South America they make a type of guitar OUT OF THE BODY! Yikes! Happy fairy tale ends in death. So sad for guitarmadillos.

Oh, this is complete bullshit! If I can’t wait in the lobby sports bar until Little Poopers III: Song of the Troll Ponies is done, I’m not going to waste my money.

What would be really cool is if we could clone those magnificent creatures from the DNA they left behind. Imagine them majestically roaming the streets of Chicago.

Ok, on one hand we’ve got a group who is ostensibly on our side, but have been turning into the US secret police, on the other side you’ve got out-and-out enemies who would love to literally kill us, wholesale. Then there’s Putin who is halfway towards priming the US for civil war. And the Chinese who’d be happy if we

I picked up a pack of pumpkin spice Oreos to punish my coworkers. Those stupid enough to try one got through a 1/2 to a 1/4.

Oh I gosh, I thought it was Danny RAND from Iron-Fist, and was worried I couldn’t watch the show in good conscience.

That’s right.

I couldn’t stand to watch the originals, having been spoiled by the comics. But the Hesse look fun!

This looks like a better style than the original tv series, which looked lazy & floppy. You want to treat someone to The ORIGINALS! Carl Barks in his heyday.

X-Statix! I’ll take a feature-length, Michael Allred-styled animation. It would kick ass!

So glad he’s over water. I haven’t wanted a jet pack since one of these daredevils pointed out that if the pack cuts out you have no glide ratio. You are instantly a rock in the sky with an extra 50 pounds strapped to your back. Two broken legs is the least of your problems. No thanks. I’m waiting for my Legion flight

The thing is, nobody wants to call Ceres, or Vesta, or Eris planets. Pluto is fucking tiny. You can’t let it in without bringing in a bunch of other space trash.

If Planet 9 is indeed the size of Neptune, it going to be orbiting at some huge degree off the ecliptic. I think something that big is definitely a planet.

Do you mean yolk? Or is yoke a technical term?

I think so. The article references the Meghan clathrate that I remember reading about.

The Grumpy cat Christmas movie starring Aubrey Plaza was excellent, in the so dumb its funny and we know it, way. Very watchable & snarky. I’ve heard in real life the cat is very sweet.

I’m going off a scientific American article I read a few years ago. I do believe it was CO2 in Cameroon, but there was something specific about an earthquake or landslide releasing it toxically, and that it had happened in the past near Norway.