We all know how he prepares. With a few pounds of Uncle Sigmund’s Peruvian Nasal Medicine.
We all know how he prepares. With a few pounds of Uncle Sigmund’s Peruvian Nasal Medicine.
As a filmmaker I listen to a LOT of film music. (Tonight Cloud Atlas & Argo.) I’m always telling other filmmakers to not be afraid of silence over dialog, otherwise there’s nowhere for the music to tie into the emotions of the actors.
There was a story on Radiolab talking about how the Greeks were color-blind Tomthe color Blue because it wasn’t in the Homeric literature. The idea seemed ridiculous, considering how many blue things there are in the world. These statues would seem to agree.
I read that it had a glass BEAKER in the handle, which would be completely useless, unless you were harvesting the blood of your enemies.
I was in high school when the Perez Teen Titans booted. My sorta girlfriend at the time was a fan of the books, and appreciated that Starfire and Raven represented different aspects on the emotional scale. One was free and open and sex was part of her culture. The other was repressed and unable to break fee of the…
107 MPH? I expect to see this on the roads in 20-nevitty-never.
This is one of the things I’m having to get my head around. When I was a boy in the 70s, I was expected to ride the wave that the sexual revolution created. When it came to sex, my parents were basically raised with zero, and I mean ZERO information. They had to invent a language, a way of living, and a morality that…
Marnie was a lovely film. If it wins an Oscar it might go into wide release. On the other hand it won’t win the Oscar because it never went into wide release.
You’ve discovered the secret of galactic technology. All items, before they can be produced, must be passed through the imperial propaganda team. There a crack crew of visual designers takes the blueprints, shreds them, and draws up what they think would look best in Imperial propos. (Our equivalent of movies.) Then…
Good God, was that actual footage from the movie? I only saw it once when it came out, and about the only thing I remember, besides my eyeballs bleeding, was the horror of the cgi Gungan vs Droid war, and that they stole from Dinotopia when making Naboo. When I first started watching the clip, all I could think of was…
The card is so poorly designed, they thought they were voting for Al Gore.
The card is poorly designed. They thought they were voting for Al Gore.
I worked for WS one year when my life tanked and I had to go back to working retail. I love cooking, and was happy to be working in a field I knew. I was utterly astonished that people bought crap like this! With all of the good, solid cookware that they carried, why spend good cash on this garbage? And boy, did it…
Are they licking the crumb tray?
I'd say this is our winner. Gluten isn't spread by contact.
There’s an idea I’ve always remembered from an Isaac Asimov story about time travelers. One especially prissy & neurotic character from the far future handled all his food through force fields, as he was absolutely disgusted by the idea of his food actually touching matter.
At first I thought he was going to fire it up inside...
I’m not sure if anyone will come back to this post, but the $17 drone was apparently a scam. The shipper never shipped the item, and the tracking numbers were bogus. There are hundreds of complaints against the company, bestgoods2u. I’m curious if anyone ever got their drone.
I’m not sure if anyone will come back to this post, but the $17 drone was apparently a scam. The shipper never…
Here in California, in a Mexican restaurant I’d assume they meant tortilla chips & salsa. Guacamole is is its own expense animal, asked for by name. I’ve never heard of queso as a restaurant dip. Is it some sort of Velveeta Midwestern unholiness, or some actual melted Mexican cheese?
Hey, I've had rosary chicken! Isn't rosary that long, grassy stuff the put on potatoes n stuff? It's good.