Jim B.

People continuously fail to recognize the economics in this debate on the future of streaming. Paying 10-15 a month for a single service that all content producers sent movies and shows to was never going to work in the long run without serious compromise.

It’s interesting to look at Star Wars, and then look at two of its pop-culture juggernaut contemporaries in Game of Thrones and the MCU. Both of those franchises have done very well in starting from nothing and building that out. As Berneko at Deadspin wrote before GoT S8 premiered, the cracks in that show started to

I’m 5 seasons into Game of Thrones (late, I know) and that show proves that you can still have compelling, must watch TV that puts its most likable characters through the ringer at almost every opportunity.

Thanks for the post! I sincerely hope your work on that film did not haunt you and your family through the 2000s.

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And there’s no chance that a Netflix subscription in a world where it landed streaming rights to Loki & Scarlett Witch MCU TV shows would cost less than $20 USD a month. If you can’t be bothered to drop 5-10 bucks for a month and watch your “one show” in that time, then wait a bit for the home release and spend north

I don’t see how Apple’s CEO publishing an article sharing his views on privacy while maybe only doing so to peddle ads is any different from reading this article and scrolling down a bit to today’s best deals. Part of what keep’s Gizmodo’s lights on is your daily round up of discounted iPads, Beats headphones, iTunes

Their angle has always been “what critical position can we take on ___?” Sometimes it works, most often it doesn’t. You mileage varies on how invested you are on the topic being discussed. 


iOS does not, as the functionality provided in this software is achieved through APIs that are not public on iOS.

Marvel teasing these connections for years and years and then choosing to not deliver is a bait and switch. While I have immensely enjoyed a good chunk of the TV division’s output, it’s hard not to feel a bit cheated when you dump all of those hours into something because you believe it to be part of a greater

It’s a totally fair comparison. The OT told great stories without characters delivering monologues riddled with exposition on the political state of the galaxy or their own personal histories. Do you think Empire would have been a better movie if Vader gave a two minute speech covering the story of his corruption

The real answer is because, for better or worse, Disney’s Star Wars has been a tightly controlled reboot of the entire franchise. Our feelings towards Twi’leks, Rodians, and the like was something that grew over decades of exposure to old Expanded Universe material. To moviegoers in the 80s, those aliens were as

I’m assuming you’re the type of guy who’s really pissed about that lack of Snoke backstory too. Because, you know, the Emperor had a fully developed and resolved story arc by the time credits rolled in ESB.

You gotta look harder. I picked up a Y-Wing on sale for 48, but the regular price is only 60.

And I’m just sitting here as a bitter Illinois State fan mumbling about how this was supposed to be OUR SPOT (that we would have squandered in a first round blowout).

Even though this is one of your tamer posts, I have a serious question for you: What do you like?

Did that SNK collection have updated visuals or bonus content? That could be the differentiator. I remember those Sonic collections being straight up ports tied together by nothing more than a simple menu.

I’m incredibly excited for IW, but I feel the slightest tinge of disappointment when I think about how the TV division will never be crossing over into the movies after ten years of “it’s all connected.”
I don’t think we’ll ever see another MCU, and the opportunity that Marvel Studios passed on here is going to leave

Could even be his anthology movie! That final stretch of episodes on Rebels really, truly sold me on the guy.