Jim B.


This is the lamest argument for dozens and dozens of reasons. You think George Lucas wrote Vader as Luke’s father in his first draft of the Star Wars? Or even intended that to be the case while they were shooting what would eventually become A New Hope? Because remember that the trilogy part of the original Star Wars

Joke’s on you, this thing is never going to play out.

My man,

Disney specifically chose Abrams for the Episode VII job because he had a proven track record of mystery building. They weren’t looking for a director to reboot Star Wars by coming in and spelling out the answer to every question his or her own movie posed. They needed someone to plant numerous hooks for future Star

Whenever I see material from the new Tomb Raider, I can’t shake the vibe that it will inevitably be another flat video game adaptation and/or mediocre action movie. We’re living in a time where film adaptations make a real solid effort at respecting the source material while respectfully updating traditionally

I think there’s an important difference between Amazon not “being good” to customers and, as a customer, noticing a “sharp decline” in the customer service relative to experiences over the past five or six years of my Prime membership.

One thing that never comes up in these discussions of Prime benefits and Prime costs is the sharp decline in the quality of customer service and Amazon’s attitude towards customers in general. My experiences may be strictly anecdotal but when things have gone wrong with an order over the past couple of years, they

I’ve been a Lastpass user for years and years and, for the first time ever, I felt a bit of buyer’s remorse when my sub renewed in November. It doesn’t seem to work as well as it used to in normal web browsing, and password management has become a buggy experience. I believe they were bought by LogMeIn at some point

Not entirely true, as far as I understand.

Not terrible advice, but understand that for many of those feeling “cooped up,” it’s less about cold temps and more about the early onset darkness. People who work 8-5 don’t see the sun when they leave in the evening, and that can make certain activities, like cycling, unsafe.

How do these cards process audio? Is there pass through for formats like Atmos and LPCM?

Increased production costs do not justify the thousands of dollars required to unlock every piece of content in a $60 game.

I think there’s a Krispy Kreme on North Ave, but way out west. Glendale Heights, maybe? Near North and 355.

I watch the show regularly and mostly enjoy it, but the creative team behind it frequently makes some questionable decisions that ultimately prevent the show from reaching the upper echelon of Star Wars storytelling.

I also mentioned this in the Lifehacker article about this a few days ago, but a good solution would be the implementation of a whitelist feature. YouTube Kids should only allow the playback of either certain videos or all videos under a specific account manually approved by the parents’ YouTube account.

I read Bridle’s article yesterday and was floored. A good chunk of the internet discussion around it argued along the lines of “our parents worried about what we watched too, and we all turned out fine.” But something about this is just different, it’s strange and sinister.

It’s possible that your issue is related to DNS. Have you ever tried configuring your home internet with a different pair of DNS servers?

Mark my words. These bears are going 16-4!

Haha! Thought my Apple TV was wigging out.