Jim B.

A two hour movie was never going to give Jane’s Mighty Thor the range and depth of experiences she had in the comic. Comics exist for stories like that where you can spend dozens of issues letting a character grow and develop. Even if Jane survived Love And Thunder it was going to be a greatest hits version.

That sounds more like “How to make specifically the kind of pizza Chris makes” advice. You can make a lot more styles of pizza (and amazing bread) on a steel. Cast Iron doesn’t heat nearly as uniformly.

Like I’m taking pizza advice from the Noid. NICE TRY, BOZO.

One day I couldn’t decide whether to eat a frozen Jack’s Mexican pizza or a frozen Jack’s bacon cheese burger pizza, so I baked them both and then flipped the former on top of the latter to make a sort of “bachelor’s calzone.”

I came in to the Orion X-Men Project after they’d given up on Conway and Thomas, as the proposed budget just kept inflating. I’d been into to pitch other things to the then-director of development, who I’d come to know when she’d worked for Roger Corman.

In Dark Knight the matting changes as a result of the filmed-format: Shot-on-65mm 15-perf vs shot-on-35mm, and Nolan’s desire to, I don’t know, let us see more during those action sequences. At the time I remember liking it. I also remember that was followed-up by Bay doing a godawful job of the same for one of the Tr

I hate the ever increating fracturization of content though

I actually watched this again last night and can’t help but think that it gets a bit weaker with each re-watch. That doesn’t mean to say I don’t enjoy it — I do. But it’s not the strongest film, and the first two acts are only really redeemed by the exceptional third act.

Yep. The Shape of Water was more or less a spin on a fable. Beetlejuice is what you get when the post punks of the 80s do 80s level of cocaine.

Every single thread about The Last Jedi is like a perfect antidepressant for me. It reminds me that no matter how much shit goes sideways in my life, no matter how much my depression or anxiety afflict me, I will never, NEVER be capable of the rage and hatred that the people who hate TLJ are consumed by.

In a movie with a female main character. I think the Woke Police can stand down.

Probably they started with an x86 emulator that required little modification to work on the PS/Xbox CPUs, but which would require heavy modification or rewriting to work with the Switch’s ARM processor.

This option is not for you then. Thank you.

Link mixup - I’ll fix, thanks! Chicago PD also warned:

The villain of one of the most popular and influential blockbuster movie series of the 21st century was a balding middle-aged dweeb named “Agent Smith.”

Speaking of Star Wars, is your photo Keanu Reeves dressed up as Princess Leia? It’s been bugging me but I’ve had no real opportunity to ask.


Same. Between this and the bball team looking to make its first tournament appearance this millennium, it’s a good time to be a Redbird.

Never been more proud to be an ISU alumnus.

Jew, reporting in! Guess who has two thumbs, a futon, and endless empathy for a refugee narrative? *this mensch*