
Hope you die from a JDAM before lung cancer gets your ass.

God, please take the elevator down from your mighty, white stallion of a high horse.

Which site is it again?

Pile O' Shitt.

I'd rather go out like that than in some senseless accident.

"It's endurance performance art piece,"

Beat me to it you magnificent bastard.

Nice, I wonder how many civilians they have killed with that inaccurate piece of shit.

"Not sweet lady propane!"

Now they have lost an equal number of passengers and employees.

The story had to be told.

"The chapel smelt of rosemary and jasmine from the bushes outside the window and the sun streamed in the tint-stained glass windows."

"I want a Chinese baby. And a chili dog."


I think a more realistic name would be "prostitution".

Looks like a thumb.

I always love to observe the inevitable shit storm that brews up when Some Damn Man suggests that maybe not getting black out drunk would be a good idea.

I would tell my teenage self to bet heavy on the Marlins in the 2003 World Series.

"Oh God, so delicious"

How you doin'?