The Humble Crab


The cast member rankings had Rock just shy of the top-20. That is a joke in itself. He has openly admitted that he was pretty sub-par on SNL. This guy apparently has a thing for Chris Rock. Next thing ya know, the "one rib" scene from I'm Gonna Git You Sucka will be #4 on his list of the 100 Greatest Movie Moments Of

I would have loved to see him at number one. I seriously think he was the best ever. The spot was either going to go to someone from the original cast or Murphy though…it is a RS list after all.

It seriously was the worst. Lorne Michaels and Paul Shafer in the 50s, just slightly ahead of Darrel Hammond. Jon Lovitz in the top-20. Mike Myers ahead of Phil Hartman, Will Ferrel, Chris Farley and Dana Carvey…Brooks Whelan somewhere around 70… I have read some serious shit in Rolling Stone, but that was just a

The credibility of that list was on full display when it stated that Wheelan's ranking was propelled past most of his fellow cast-members due to a tweet. That entire piece was terrible. Jon Lovitz in the top 20? Sheeeesh.

What made his presence especially odd was that during his actual run on SNL he would usually skip the grand finale bow all-together.

The best part of the night for me was easily the heaping helping of Norm MacDonald. After that shit placement he got on the Rolling Stone cast member rankings it was nice to see him have a pretty large presence on the show. They really rolled out the red carpet for him during the Jeopardy skit, and it was great to see

All this to his credit, and he gets lumped around 50th in that Rolling Stone cast ranking. God that list sucked. What a hack job.

Hahaha!!!! That quote made my day!

The six-month suspension will give him plenty of time to determine how he killed Osama Bin Laden.

The Don Pratt Show, episode #2. Especially the scene with Jimmy in his office with his hand hovering above that phone. Saul Goodman=Don Pratt.


One of those rare circumstances in life that finds one rooting for the Scientologist. (Beck is still a Scientologist, right?)

The fiance from Philly? They prolly didn't include it cuz no one from Philly says it. It is 100% Pittsburgh yinser.

Another installment of Pawnsylvania in which the Pittsburghers fail to say "yins"….UNBELIEVABLE!!! How can you not drop a "yins" in a sketch about Puttsburghese???

Should I get a cut of this writer's paycheck because I pretty much summed-up this opinion on a very VERY profound comment that I posted under one of the many MANY Blink-182 articles posted on the AV Club this week. In short, DeLonge may not make everybody's favorite music, but he should be applauded for still being

The walking ghost of a dead-mall punk would be pretty bad-ass. Dead malls are fascinating.

Cue angry 'Mats fans…

I will be amazed if I see anything this year that makes me laugh harder than that shot of Rollins smashing that tuna sandwich with his fist. Whomever thought to cast him as the trucker is a genius. That scene was solid gold all around.

What kind of frat boy douchebags are these guys? That song is a terrible soundtrack for a date-rape. Next thing you know, they'll be date-raping to some obscure, Brazilian samba compilation that Pitchfork recommended.