The Humble Crab

I am sure they want it to be more akin to The Clash, The Ramones or the Sex Pistols reuniting, but it just feels more like a New Kids On The Block reunion tour. The music hasn't aged well. The whiny pop-punk stuff just isn't built to age like classic rock. It's disposable pop for the most part. They made a killing

This headline reminds me of my days of heavy Pitchfork viewings…. where this guy would have a news item almost every day. It was a bland decade.

Did everyone here, including the reviewer, miss the fact that it was Steve Dildarian, creator of HBO's The Life And Times of Tim, that was playing Steve/Tim? He was the Luber gigolo. That was such a great inside (in this case very VERY inside) joke!

That was the greatest! Their basketball shots were awesome as well.

Thanks Jay Z!

New York, New York 42nd Street?

Same here. I wanted to learn more, but the bio about him that Strummer based the song on is long outta print.

Awwwww….what a bummer. I think he did he great job on the Percolator album by ALL and especially "Can't Say" on their Dot EP.

I think it's worth mentioning here that Sonia's reviews for The Leftovers were truly awful, amateurish criticism. Just dreadful work. Around the same time she was writing those reviews on here she also did a story on a videogame based on the life of Kim Kardasian. I also checked out her twitter feed and noticed a

I might just purchase a Fiio X3 or X5 soon. I would actually get a used Zune if they had better storage capacity. The Fiio's seem pretty solid, and they have SD expansion slots.


Yeah, that was the background they gave for the video. I think it's just a great lil' scene, and I wish it had made the final cut somehow. It just shows how fascinating all those outer-space battles could be to a kid in the sticks. I loved how the battle was just faint flashes in the sky as well. It seemed very

The most promising aspect of this teaser is how busy the backgrounds aren't. That is what really killed the prequels I think…Lucas went overboard on bringing life to the locations. Everything was just too damn busy. It's nice to see emptiness making a comeback in the Star Wars universe.

ALL or Milo Goes To College are the two best in the Descendents realm, but Allroy's Revenge by ALL is the best album ever released by the Descendents/ALL camp. Here's a tday list for ya:

I ran rickshaws at the San Diego Zoo one summer. It was many moons ago now. I got in damn fine shape. It sucked when a portly couple would hop on board though. It's amazing how difficult the slightest incline can become. The rickshaw company ran the business like a typical cab racket…hire the runners as contractors,

She obviously knows to at least some extent. Her roll in the entire ordeal is easily one of the grossest. Turning a blind eye to let her husband indulge his dark side. If anyone can reveal the info that will completely support his victims allegations it will be her. One has to suspect that her generic smile as Cosby

Arliss Howard! He was great in Plain Clothes! NICK SPRINGSTEEN! PLEASE DON'T BE A SERIAL RAPIST!!!

I don't think it's the case in this scenario, but one could argue they are seeking attention or publicity at even the most dire of costs. Especially in this day and age, if you are a nobody who is obsessed with becoming a somebody in the Facebook/TV/media universe…I could actually imagine people dragging themselves

In the realm of the extremist boycotter, the connection to the artist, regardless of whether or not art was created before or after bad behavior, is all that matters. Once again the "Hitler's Paintings" example. Ain't no one bragging about buying Hitler's paintings even if Hitler was helping hundreds of grandmas cross