The Humble Crab

In a thread a couple days ago, I brought up the notion that people shouldn't feel guilty about enjoying Cosby show reruns. You really have to separate art vs. artist, especially in the case of a sitcom, where many other writers and actors have added substantially to the final product. Besides the Miles Davis example,

I think someone from Cosby's camp verifying this behavior could very well happen. If it has happened over such a long span of years, there are probably many more victims than the 14 that have actually come forward. People that work directly for celebrities can sniff out shit like this. He would probably have required

The most likely would be one of Cosby's entourage or handlers coming forward to state they witnessed or somehow assisted in the rapes/druggings. Perhaps a pharmacist or drug dealer that sold him drugs at the time. A child born of one of the rapes whose DNA could be tested. Medical evidence of an STD that he acquired

Yes, being a rapist is certainly worse than bearing false allegations of rape, although the latter isn't too much further down the list of truly horrible acts you can choose to commit in your lifetime. I wasn't there though, so I can't say for certain that he is a rapist. I would say the odds are that he is, but I

I dunno who's telling the truth here, but he's done. I sure hope these allegations are real, because if not, these people are ruining the life and reputation of a great man. If it is true, he deserves whatever punishment society deems necessary. What a sad tale for all involved. I don't think people should feel

There was a time when you could actually search out new music in magazines. These days I find most of what I like on blogs and websites (such as this one) then I check out clips on YouTube, then I download albums on amazon and e music. I am kinda "old-school" in this regard.

I like your first idea. I think that would be a pretty good model for the major artists to use. Supply Spotify with a couple singles, but don't deliver the full-album until a year or so down the road. Roll it out like a book in a sense…pedal the hardcover first, then knock down the price 12 months later with the

You can always get exposed via a single though. That is what Spotify should be…expose listeners to new artists via singles, then pay extra to stream their full albums. It's the old radio model, and it works.

I am beginning to feel the same way. Primarily because it is full-albums. If it was just YouTube with single songs or videos primarily I would be fine with it, but if you are gonna deliver full-albums ya gotta pay up. Nothing that rips off artists like this should be so streamlined, user-friendly, and, above all,

And all the workers driving by in the Google bus, witnessing the shit-covered peons being carted off the streets, will think to themselves "That will never be me. I embrace technology therefore my company shalt never betray me."

A. Very few artists have "other massive streams of revenue" to take advantage of anymore. If you want to read about how prosperous the lives of "moderately successful" bands on independent labels are these days, check out the book on Merge Records that came out a couple years ago. It's pretty eye-opening.

A single on either Youtube or Spotify should suffice. Enjoy the single on the stream and buy the album elsewhere. .0006 cents per play ain't worth it. It's like insisting your favorite musicians work below minimum wage. It's not being greedy, it's just asking not to be totally screwed.

Man have I noticed that libertarian culture with techies as of late. Mostly via reading articles about Uber. Techies look at Uber as if it is Christ's low-cost chariot that you can call on via your wizard device. In reality, it's just an unregulated cab service with less smelly drivers who drive their own cars. Plus

Great post. I could care less about Swift's music, but she is fighting the good fight here for sure. Spotify suuuucks for bands. Just an all-around monstrosity of suck. They make tracking royalties a monumental pain in the ass, and they barely pay anything to begin with. Literally fractions of pennies…and even there

I find myself in the same boat as many here. Love Sonic Highways until it's time to debut a new song at the end of each episode. The songs are just bland for the most part. A couple episodes Grohl was talking about how Shiflet brought a guitar part in that sounded too spaghetti-western and so it had to be nixed. I

"I was apologizing to fans on Twitter before mainstream America had even heard of Twitter. Back when you had to tie a message to a pigeon's leg and send it to the child that you just kicked in the face." Fat Mike

Ain't nuthin' more punk rock than apologizing to a fan you just kicked in the face via Twitter. Just like Tim and Eric's Tostino's commercial so eloquently states, "No corporate, authentic, hardcore, punk rock."

Blowjobs were what probably lead to the neck pain in the first place though. Everything comes full circle.

(Portrayed to hilarious effect by Allison Williams ) should have been in quotes as opposed to parentheses.

I think that the players have to work for the show though. The show > individual players. That always has to be the way you look at it. It's why incredible talent, such as Rock, Pharoah, Slate and Silverman never really worked for the show. As a player you have to adapt as well. It's prolly 60% in the hands of the