The Humble Crab

Finished it and I think it's waaaay better than FDOC. By episode three it gets really steady with the laughs, and by episode four it's pretty much hitting home runs. It's basically what I wanted FDOC to be. The Gene stuff just slays. The president's are great. Victor is hysterical. Molly Shannon's line before her big

First Day of Camp was decent, but this might be better than both that and the original film. After the first episode, it just puts the pedal to the metal of comic lunacy and never relents. All the Reagan and Bush scenes are gold, as is Gene. And Mitch! And Victor! It's just all so perfect. I hope this series isn't

Nice fIREHOSE mention here. They may not have ever made a classic album a la Double Nickels, but I think most of my favorite Watt songs were by this band. "Sometimes," "Brave Captain," "What Gets Heard," "Making the Freeway," and, especially, "Powerful Hankerin" are Watt at his best. The live versions of "Powerful

Don't share that Hold Steady opinion with Tad…

I saw them the most during the YHF/Ghost is Born-era and they were great back then. Check out the live album Kicking Television for a primer on how they were live back then. I've really lost interest in the band since then though. Their albums post-Ghost just don't really grab me as much, even though I did enjoy the

Jealous on both counts…


>5 for moi:

Drizzle is a merciless foe. I have lived in SD since 1998. The major issue when it starts raining here is that people either drive 25mph on the freeways, or they don't allow the precipitation to change their driving habits in any way. People think SUVs are immune to hydroplaning. These behavior traits result in

An entire season of Jin Yang being a billionaire and travelling the world meeting other billionaires and world leaders would be the best. Just something completely off the wall. Big Head could be his assistant. Maybe a disgraced Richard could write code for him. Just anything to get us out of the repetitive cycle this

I wonder if Miller's rolling because he thinks the show has run out of ideas. That could be a possibility. This season has already played out in previous seasons.

Still pretty funny, but, I agree, this show has to come up with an original concept for next season. When I saw that they were leading towards a finale at a tech conference is when I really realized that the writers were retelling the same story with minor deviations. Even this episode…yet another big payday gone

Plus it hasn't been Mr. Show level funny when they do it…

I've always liked the ads (I was a giant Mr. Show fan pre-Breaking Bad) but I think having Jimmy play director is kind of a dud. At least for me. There's more interesting territory to explore in this universe.

Anyone else think the back end of this season is making Jimmy a little too silly as the commercial director and this mall walker with the track suit and head band? Odenkirk's an awesome comedic actor, but at times this stuff seems a bit too silly for the rest of the show. The Mike, Kim and Chuck storylines are all

The only conspiracy theory that Jones hasn't latched onto is the gigantic Russian one that most of this country is pretty certain is a reality.

How in the world is this article fake news? The Megyn Kelly interview is happening and the clip is real. This article is very grounded in reality, you just don't like the editorial slant. If you can prove that Kelly wasn't in a room interviewing Jones you have a point.

Jones is more a hybrid of an Arby's roast beef sandwich and a human.

Google is apparently going to become proactive in prohibiting fake news sites from flooding their searches with similar stories. Another thing they should do is somehow develop an identifier for websites that come up in their searches that are chronic posters of news that has proven to be false, or that chronically

Good point. Especially since, for many, the real root of their anger lies in the fact that he is "smug." I don't think any sort of apology would really change this opinion. I think others (like me) who were disappointed by what he said should watch his discussion with Dyson at the beginning of the show. That was a