The Humble Crab

The more I watch this season, the more it reminds me of the era with Anthony Michael Hall. Like a really clunky, youthful era. This episode was the worst of the worst so far this year. I can see why Lorne wanted to hold onto Keenan. I don't think there has ever been a season of this show when veterans were so

Oh man…now that is the ultimate put-down!

It might not be better for them to pay for it on their own, but if their job is working part-time at Kohl's they will probably qualify for the universal Medicaid that is offered in most states now…except the ones that really chose to dick over their poor folks that is. Having independent health insurance prior to

I will join that team. We'll prolly just be a duo though. This wasn't the most popular show in the history of HBO.

I assume this is gonna be the long-rumored ewok porno. You would want a quality cinematographer for that one.

It could have really been great. They might have had issues with the kids aging too much season to season though. They should have at least done this before they really expanded the show's focus outside of AC. It would have given the viewers such greater appreciation for the root characters. The Leftover's pulled

The last two episodes were better, but this was still strong. It seemed almost more like a typical tying up loose ends season finale than an actual series finale. Tommy's son was great though, and the way they tied together young Nucky to old Nucky was fantastic as well. It makes the early seasons even more impressive

If it hasn't been mentioned yet, A++++++++ x 1000 for this episode. As a delighted preacher once said, "GOD DAMN!!!"

Good idea Carson Palmer 45. Now make sure that nerve in yer shoulder keeps working for the rest of the season.

On the plus side, it was two nights of not being "I Alone."


I assume '77 was pre-tuning pedals. I could see The Dead as being one of those bands where the members all insist on tuning by ear regardless though. Unfortunately, it is usually the musicians with the least natural pitch recognition that insist on doing this. Hence the gigantic tuning breaks to prove they can get

HAHAHAHA!!! That's the one!!!

That scene where Jiff has to run across the highway still cracks me up. They did a great job shooting that sequence. Jiff is the best. Kudos to Steve Martin for pulling this film together. A pleasurable, PG comedy with a heart is a rarity these days. This was one of the last of a dying breed.

Judging by Our Band Could Be Your Life, both Mascis and Ginn piled the mental anguish on their bandmates. Both seem passive aggressive to an extreme that almost no rational person could deal with. I just hope they haven't adopted the same parenting techniques.

He repeatedly made them listen to the Greg Ginn "Dick" album and forced them to wear left-over "Greg Ginn 'Dick'" promotional t-shirts and baseball caps whilst doing so.

He seems to suffer from the same lock-jaw issue that has plagued 50 Cent since he got shot in the face. Has Che ever been shot in the face? It would give him some Update street cred.

Damn good stuff. This show is going out in style. Those of us who have stuck around for the ride are getting a great payday. Chalky and Van Alden dying was rough though. What a great pair of characters. Only gripe is the short season…wish this one had actually been a bit longer. It's been soooooo good so far.

This song is beyond the beyond funny. I love how he starts cracking up before one of the solo sections. It's all just pure silliness on top of morbid finger-picking. The vocal overdubs are priceless as well. Anyone who takes this seriously is really, REALLY missing the point here. This is some grade-A satire people.

It's why she was trying to crack down on people doing blow. Too much competition.