
If you could immediately lose as much fat as you wanted by eating a plate of your own feces (1 stool's worth), would you do it? And if this were repeatable, would you do it every time you got to a certain weight?

It's funny because beaver is slang for vagina.

He can make silly stories up all he wants.

You could optimize it by using famous players with 2-digit numbers. For example, Dennis Rodman wore 91. 67 is harder, but if you practiced enough, I think memorizing players for the lesser-known 2-digit numbers would pay off if your goal is to be able to memorize longer series.

Ikea :)

If I knew with 100% certainty that my team would never win a Super Bowl, I'd be a more hardcore fan. I would just root for them to win the conference championship every year so that I could bet the farm against them in the Super Bowl.

The NFL also has a casebook that is 105 pages long.

I didn't say championships. I said Finals MVPs. How many Finals MVPs did Robert Horry win?

How I went from 5k emails to Inbox Zero: I was setting up a rule for a particular type of email to skip my inbox and be auto-archived, except I accidentally deleted the condition or something (not sure how it happened), and when I applied the rule, every single email was moved from my inbox to my archive. Oops.

Why didn't he just kick the door open? Oh, right...

Give us a call when he wins 5 more Finals MVPs. Then we can compare him to Jordan, k?

Yeah I was surprised at that, too.

You could be ncaa champion but it won't happen unless we get on the same page. Literally.

I stopped buying combination locks. Just get a lock with a key and tie the key to your shoelaces when you get dressed. The Goblin King will have another thing to steal, but at least you don't have lock combinations taking up space in your brain. (I always lose the lock first anyway)

So in the waitress scenario, is tipping more than the regular amount creepy? Or does it help? Or does it have no effect at all? Or is there a limit where a little overtipping is good, but too much becomes creepy? Or does it not matter if it's creepy because the extra money makes it ok?

& followed by lt; for <, and & followed by gt; for >

He's been mailing cash to his followers for winning contests for over 2 years now. I've personally won 2 of his contests: one was a crisp $100 bill and the other was a bag of Colts merch and field level access before the game. For several months I would estimate that he was giving out at least $1000 per week,

Any other questions, sportsfags?

No, because telepathy doesn't exist.

90%? No one needs $4.8 million. Tax him at 99.9%