
I'd rather have this sculpture.

Why do people hashtag common words on twitter? Is anyone clicking on the #sharper hashtag to find out what other people think is #sharper?

Temperature sensitive LED faucet light

You forgot one:

It works for the Verizon Galaxy Nexus, but not the Sprint Galaxy Nexus like the guy you responded to mentioned. Or any other phone with 4.1.

Adblock and Titanium Backup.

Holy shit. I remembered my excite login, and it still works. They even have a lite site -, with the slogan, "Lightning fast on even the slowest dial-up!"

Oh the irony of saying "I'm sick of righteous cunts" and then going off on the most righteous cunty rant ever.

They leave that part on the torrents.

I know, right? It's like the Harley logo. "Motor Harley-Davidson Cycles"? It's not making any sense!

Papa Johns advertising guy: Let's send out 250,000 texts.

The NBA has only had 8 different champs in the last 28 years, and 9 in the last 31.

It's Dan Quayle's favorite pizza joint.

I dunno about that, but there's this.

Introducing... Enjoi's Beer Hunter Jockstrap!

I have an NFC phone and not only have I never used it, and I've never even been aware of an opportunity to use it.

The rate at which technology has advanced in the last 10 years is pretty stunning if you think about it. Seems to me Google has made significant progress on the project. I'm thinking the biggest hurdles will be more on the government regulation side than the technology.

A world with pocketable computers with wireless internet and 4" touchscreens that are significantly more powerful than our current desktops and cost $200 would be REALLY FREAKING AWESOME. And yeah, someone has to work on it at some point. But it's not a catchable dragon, and won't be for decades, probably. Not just

I'd like to work for Three Sheets Market Research, but I don't know if I'd like to have it on my resume.