
I'm assuming street view data collection is not a one man show at Google. Surely there are people who were supposed to peer review this guy's code, QA testers, etc. that can share the blame here. If none of those checks were in place, then management is at fault for letting this guy have free reign.

This is quite common, actually.

Wow, 85 cents per click is pretty good. My adsense account only makes about 42 cents per click on average. What type of ads do you use, out of curiosity?

I think he means, directly answer the questions you are asked, be brief, and don't offer any additional information.

I see the blog is using the "Doogie Howser" template, the standard for all child prodigy journaling.

They should also factor in tweets per day, IMO. That has a much higher annoyance factor for me than the stuff that this measures. Any more than 3-4 non-reply tweets per day on average and I'm probably going to unfollow.

Just curious, do you actually use NFC for anything? I have yet to see a retailer that takes NFC payments, and Google Beam seems pretty niche in scope as well.


No, but there are ads that block content that you're trying to read. Those and the other distracting animated ads on here are arguably more antagonizing than meebo's stuff.

Titanium Backup for Android has Box and Dropbox integration, which is quite nice. I use Box with it because of the amount of space.

They are changing their pricing structure. If you're a current SkyDrive user you can lock into 25gb for free, otherwise it's going down to 7gb, and you'll have to pay to go back up to 25gb. Not sure if you can lock it in at 25gb now or if it's too late if not already a user.

I'm fine with him not contributing to society as long as he doesn't demand handouts from the government.

Um, just a few.

This is the greatest invention since sliced br... oh wait...

It can be. The Charlotte Bobcats have the worst record in the NBA, objectively.

I always thought 420 was a number in the penal code for pot possession, like the equivalent of 187 for murder. I have no idea where I heard that though.

I've been using Endomondo to track my runs for the past ~6 weeks. It really does motivate me to work out more because I don't want to see any gaps in my training, and I want to try to fill up my history as much as possible. I also have friends in the app that can see what I'm doing, so that's motivation, too. I refuse

Google is sure to mount a Game of Thrones-worthy defense.

idk, google reader works fine for me.

I don't get all the $X for 1 year of X GB Dropbox storage deals. What happens to your data after a year?