The Hork

And goddammit get Chris Matthews off the air. He’s been useless for years. He talks over anyone who has a decent point to make but just lets windbags like her talk at will. I’m done with NBC and their properties. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’ve switched to CNN for cable news and CBS for broadcast news.

Barry: Those are the pictures?

Weiner has recently been spotted riding a horse at sex addiction rehab, and moving in with his mother.

Hey, look! It’s the mindset that drove me out of journalism! Glad to see nothing’s changed.

Why not print the sports information director’s report? It’s good practice for a future as a sports business reporter, publishing press releases verbatim.

About this time next year, Rovell will Tweet, “Starving in the Midwestern toxin desert? Eat one of your kids. It’s free, they don’t put up much fight, and the others will learn to listen.”

Among other things, that article is a reminder that when somebody describes something that has nothing to do with music with a “classical vs jazz” analogy you should probably stop listening.

Everyone should start a trend. Every time he makes on of these stupid tweets, everyone responds with “Get back to work.” or #getbacktowork. He thinks he can slack off, run the country and make money all at the same time. I say, we make his life miserable enough that he wants to quit. Don’t give a moment of down time.

As a Mariners fan, I’ve always had this feeling in the pit of my stomach that Felix would end up with a Yankees World Series ring.

This may explain why half the pictures on his Instagram are fax cover pages.

To be fair that’s just his face

goodbye1 doesn’t even have his own blog! How can he critique a REAL blogger?!?!?

My first thought before clicking was, “Cillizza and who else?”

As a Philadelphia area native, I can’t stand the Boston area fans, but absolutely fuck the Yinzers, East Ohio (Pissburgh), their shitty fans and their rapey quarterback directly in the ass.

Too bad someone didn’t give him a Third Reich in the kisser.

We’d do much better connecting with each other first. If the election showed anything, it’s that a lot of parts of the coalition don’t really know the other parts, let alone what those other parts are doing. WE are the majority, we just need to start acting like it.

So cool! Great job to all. As much of a shit sandwich this is, it’s so awesome to see so many people pissed off and active.

hello everyone sidney ponton here. curt is strong and smart and he is my friend

“Jim Crow”, not “Crowe”. Please.

I don’t remember Obama’s relationship with the press being as bad as W’s considering they planted a former gay escort in there to ask favorable softball questions.