That’s obviously not BLM, and fuck you?
That’s obviously not BLM, and fuck you?
That evidence is pretty damning, my friend. Might be better to go with a you-can’t-pick-your-family defense. Holds more water.
Glad we agree that he was in the Klan then! Only took a load of bullshit from you to get here.
I’d go so far as to say it’s a national DUTY! We’re obliged to skewer our leaders with parodies and comedies and rippings and roastings of all kinds. Whether it’s done out of fondness or actual venom is immaterial. But, hoo hoo, Donny’s in for 4 verrrrry venomous years....
Yep! Cold comfort is still comfort.
“but that’s the first time I ever felt like that emotionally, and I had to be with my family,”
Dabo: “How’s it look, doc? Can he play?”
Literally no one worked harder and more directly to prevent “all this Trump bullshit” than Hillary Clinton.
“the Democrat National Committee”
*reads entire well-written article*
My theory is that the GOP will support Trump until it hurts them. They fucking hate him too. But they’ll grin and bear it until he starts fucking them. Then they’ll impeach him.
Hopefully Shaq will carve out a little space for a rebuttal during the next Clowning on Photoshops Of Each Other While Pointlessly Killing Time Before the Start of an NBA Game program
Aren’t they still dirty half the time? I don’t eat peanuts but I am 99.9% sure I have seen barrels of them in bulk where the shells are literally still covered in dirt, because they’re NOT MEANT TO BE EATEN. This makes me rationally angry.
I bet the Giants’ kicking net is TICKED.
Meanwhile the Ryan brothers just scored primo seats for George Fucking Thorogood & the Destroyers in Cabazon, CA. Best revenge is livin well my brother.
Listen, if they wanted to know specifics about how things were run the person they should be talking to is the Specific Manager.
Walt Whitman: Oxen that rattle the yoke and chain or halt-
The nice thing is Kelly had plenty of time to reflect and ponder his next move during the 6 hour drive home when he left Levi’s Stadium for the last time.
Instead, Koch’s foursome left and played at Emerald Dunes, which Hurt described in his Facebook post as “a much, much better golf course than Trump International.
I don’t know why you’re wasting your time here when you just got engaged to Serena