THIS. It really is about the character of the guy. Being unemployed is very stressful and many guys don't handle it well. It says so much about the person.
THIS. It really is about the character of the guy. Being unemployed is very stressful and many guys don't handle it well. It says so much about the person.
I don't want to date unemployed men, or support under employed men or another goddamn grad student because when it comes down to it, men don't respect women who support them financially. That's the stone cold truth. They resent them, they may love them at the same time but they resent them too. As soon as you start…
Look, maybe you;re not like this, but there are just so many many moocher guys! So many! We like to edit them out as quick as possible. A guy who asks you out and then expects you to buy him dinner is bad news. There's nothing ambiguous about it. RElationships require care from both parties, women tend to be more…
If he's involved in philanthropy, building cabinets, knitting, raising kids. It's possible to be wealthy, retire and live a very active life that doesnt involve the grind. Life with such a guy would be great.
THIS. I have a nice life. I've worked hard for it. I don't appreciate someone piggy backing on my stability. Pay your share or GTFO moocher.
This is the thing - self respecting men are not comfortable mooching off women. If it doesn't make him uncomfortable RUN.
I would date an unemployed guy if it bothered him and he was doing something about it. It really has to do with the quality of the person. What I really don't like is when a guy expects me to support him just because he needs it without trying to do it himself. I already supported one guy through grad school, it was a…
Aren't they actually Marcus Aurelius' thoughts?
I know someone whose home birth went horribly wrong and the baby died. The police came and for a while it looked like the D.A. might charge the parents with murder. DON'T DO THIS. Too much can go wrong.
but it does work - it makes conservatives happy. money well spent then.
sounds more co-dependent than anything else to me.
10 years is not enough for this crime. What an asshole. A crazy psychotic asshole.
England have no style, or that style is so earnest it's like having none. Poor dears.
He really is the least repugnant on that team.
Sorry England. It's really sad. But considering you didn't qualify for the Euro at all 4 years ago this is much better, no?
Virginia Woolf and Jane Austen do 'feelings in a drawing room' which are sly social critiques that go beyond the restrictions of their class, race or gender. Miranda July does not even come close. If you're just like her, or from that class of people sure, it has meaning to you. If you;re not, it's just childish…
I find it annoying as hell too. Someone said that at least 70% of the people on OKC are looking to avoid a relationship, not get in one. That seems about right.
Miranda July's work is the definition of White People's Problems. It really says something about the art world that she gets any traction at all.
Miranda July , Girls , this Sheila Heti book = white girls' bubble's problems
Life is random and something wonderful happening for someone else is not an occasion to whine "why not me". Why? because this guy is not a toddler, that's why.