Sometimes, Life is nice to people. When Life is nice to other people, it does not mean Life is being extra shitty to you.
Sometimes, Life is nice to people. When Life is nice to other people, it does not mean Life is being extra shitty to you.
yeah, but how do your guests feel about it? It's nice you had a big party centered on yourselves but if I'm expected to shell out for travel, hotel, gifts and dress not to mention my time just to be a bit player in your reality show that shit had better be forever. Humph.
she never asked anyone for a dime. Nobody expected so much money to be donated.
I disapprove of weddings in general. There's nothing like attending a big blow out wedding and then the divorce 'celebration' 3 years later. The bigger the wedding, the bigger the divorce. Marriage isn't forever anymore so there's no reason to make a big fuss and I resent being asked to participate in the charade.
I agree with you ( but 'pacifist' is not the right word here). There just doesn;t seem to be a sense in this society that when you pick on someone it only reflects the kind of person YOU are, nothing about the person you are picking on.
You think it's ok for someone to be humiliated at their job because they are getting paid peanuts?
I'll say it : the US is a society where bullying is acceptable. No matter how many tabloid stories there are exposing bullies or the occasional event where a bully gets punished, those a drop in the ocean of a society that not just tolerates but actually encourages bullying those weaker or more vulnerable than you.…
needs more pictures
there are plenty of studies which show that beyond a certain income, money won;t buy happiness. I think the last one I read was something like $75k for a single person. At that stage all your needs plus some luxuries are taken care of, plus anxieties about healthcare and retirement. After that, more money only brings…
I bought a lipgloss and eye shadow from the Bobbi Brown counter yesterday because it's what I can afford to splurge on and it was exhilarating!
yeah, it looks like they Master Piece theatered it, or BBC-ed it. ugh
I am going to watch the bejeebus out of this! Thanks!
Greta Garbo was the best Anna Karenina, yes, even though it wasn't a good adaptation of the novel it was a good adaptation of Anna for the screen
There is this place called Disneyland. You'll be very happy there. Nobody is allowed to be sick or die. You will never have to see things you don't want to see.
keira knightley is too young for the part, and too bland
so in real life you're a hypocrite, and online you're a troll. Got it.
Lady, you better hope you never feel what is referred to as ' nerve pain'. It is not like muscular pain at all. Technically it is called Neuralgia. And the only relief is narcotics or blowing your brains out.
I don;t think you understand what nerve pain is. It is unlike any other pain and can only be treated with narcotics. Wet clothing clings to skin even if she wears a light t shirt it will cling to her skin causing pain.
I wonder which of her so called friends flagged them. You beat cancer lady! Now you know who your real friends are.