
There was some study in Germany that suggested that government guaranteeing a place to live and minimum income for everyone regardless of their circumstances was way cheaper than any means tested welfare system for all these reasons and also that it is just that much easier to administer.

Sorry but culture ( the intersection of collective history and values) and an individual's squeamishness to difference are not remotely the same thing. Not even close. Social Studies FAIL. Unless you are saying that it is American culture to kick those who are not perfect to the curb of Life. If that is what you are

Actually, you individually don't get to decide shit about what is appropriate for public space or not. And your example of what I assume is in your imagination a perverted 60 year old guy is not at all comparable to a breast cancer survivor. You don't get to make other people disappear so that your life can be

I wasn't being snippy.

I actually work with kids so while I don't have the benefit of being a mother I have the benefit of knowing many kids well.

Grown up people know about breast cancer. Jeez, it's so goddamn common.

When my back is out I cannot wear pants or underwear, I cannot ride in a car or any vehicle. A loose fitting skirt or muumuu is all I can wear. A swim suit which is always a bit compressive is out in the first few days of an injury. It's very psychologically debilitating. Swimming is actually very good exercise for

that should read "adults"

This lower back shit is awful just awful. Until you've experienced chronic nerve pain you have't experienced pain. And that aspirin, Ibuprofin OTC stuff doesn;t work at all. It has to be an opiate or marijuana to get any relief, and then you're drugged or high. It's not fun. Since it's your nervous system it makes you

Except that you feel entitled for your break from reality to happen at a public pool. That's what at home pools and private beaches are for. Can't afford it? I guess your kid will just have to learn to live among all the other unmentionables.

Oh you poor dear, you're in extreme pain because someone suggested you are from Texas. Suck it up like you want that lady with the masectomy to do!

I think some people don;t understand that nerve pain is not like muscular pain. I have pinched nerves in my lower back so I know a little about it. But nerve pain can only be relieved by narcotic drugs or something that acts on the central nervous system. This woman is forgoing morphine or vicodin or any of the other

you better hope and pray you never need a masectomy cause you're at the very least subconsciously teaching your kid to shun you if you do.

I'm sure ''JUICY!'' is allowed.

didn't you know that guy's amputation is all about her and her kid? Silly birdieblue, when will you learn to look out for her? huh?

Your friend is crazy.

your kid will get over it. Where do you live? Disneyland?

how do you explain paralyzed people, people with Downs Syndrome, people in wheelchairs, amputees etc to your kids? Or do you expect those people to hide themselves from your fragile sensitivities too?

I think it's debatable whether the following are still privileges in USA - a roof over our head ( housing crisis), a stable government ( corrupt electoral process, deadlocked Senate and House) and infrastructure ( crumbling), and parents who didn't feel it socially necessary to snip our clits off ( anti abortion +