
Portions people, portions. I don't eat out much and when I do it's usually an 'ethnic' restaurant. On the rare occasion I do go to a restaurant that serves generic mainstream American food I am shocked by the portions. Yesterday I went to a sports bar to watch the Euro Cup and ordered fried chicken. I received 4 huge

Prince Philip was hot hot hot. The queen was very pretty. You'd think they would have had better looking children.

I disapprove of mining for non-essentials. I would prefer an engagement piece of land.

Game Theory always assumes a closed system and a lack of imagination, so it's not very useful in real life.

so much for feminism.


I misposted this above.

A lot of people hate it when other people go after their heart's desire, it reminds them of their own cowardice.

No offence but when you're 21, you can believe that being the best and hard work will get you places. It's simply not the case, you need to be your best, work hard AND have the right connections get you a break. That is how it works in the real world. It's not a fair place. She didn't screw over her friend as much as

I honestly there must be some very cynical vicious people on this site. Perhaps you have never pursued your dreams even little bit. Perhaps you told yourself all the nasty things Megan's mom said to her. Perhaps you told yourself all the nasty things you are saying here. I honestly feel sorry for you.

We've all seen weird creepy drunk people like this on flights. the one next to me is always a woman who wants to give me tmi about her life.

that guy is hot hot hot. I could listen to him talk for hours about nothing in particular.

That's horrible. I think there must be enough women who would pay his way, perhaps thinking it's the feminist thing to do, that he gets away with it often enough. There are a lot of moochers out there who convince themselves their mooching is fair game ( but you make more money, I'm just a student/ intern / stock

I know that guy. For some reason those guys are attracted to me. I had this issue in grad school and I had it again last year. When I put my foot down then comes the pouting and the snide comments about how much more money I have ( I don't, I have a very low income, I'm careful). Loser. Basically the guy is

I don't think exporting horrible American food culture and attitudes, and worse, this imbecile diet culture is anything to be proud of. I don;t like the tone of this article, it's very ugly American.

"On a side note I did date a guy once who had me pay for everything and would always tell me he would pay next time and never did. That was annoying, and I stopped seeing him."

It's not in the dialogue so I'm not certain but people who feel their efforts are appreciated and respected don;t usually react the way this guy did.

At the very least she should have thanked him for his time and the meal, maybe even offer to buy a round next time they are out with those mutual friends. I think that's a bigger issue. As a lady myself, I don;t like seeing other women act entitled to meals or tickets or whatever just because he asked. " But he asked

Yeah, I'm the same. I live on a low income and I have responsibilities and a future to plan for. I have to be careful with money. I don't mind alternating but someone who doesn't pull their own weight is not someone I can be with. There are a lot of moochers out there and it's my experience that whenever someone says

"Dating is like shopping for a new car. "