This advice should be going to him don;t you think? We both live on tight, fixed incomes. I had never expected him to cover me, and he never had.
This advice should be going to him don;t you think? We both live on tight, fixed incomes. I had never expected him to cover me, and he never had.
"I drop out of someone's life if suddenly it feels like the right thing to do." I find that immature. You suddenly change your mind about whether to drop someone, do you also suddenly change your mind about whether to take someone up?
The girl should have been a big girl and not gone on the date she didn't want to go on. Reverse the genders and you'll see how ridiculous it sounds.
I paid it because he was taking so long, and on the assumption that we were splitting it. Also, when someone covers your portion of the bill, do you then drop out of their life entirely without a word? This isn;t someone I had known a long time and is a fixture in my life. It was a new relationship, a time when one…
She should send him the money. She was never feeling it, went on the date anyway, at the least when she let him down she could have thanked him for the meal. The girl is rude and entitled. Girl, your company ain;t all that, nobody's is. I bet if she had had the manners to thank him he wouldn;t have gotten upset.
Same here! Mosturizer works! So does hair dye.
I think this kid might be desperately choosing to be straight right now, that's where he gets the idea it's a choice, and why he's so pissed.
It's very rare. There's an excellent handbook online called the Herpes Handbook. There is so much misinformation out there. That is supposed to be the best and most reputable source.
Is it shingles?
You can only spread it to other parts of your body during your first outbreak. After that you have too many antibodies. It's viral, not bacterial.
There are newer blood tests that are very accurate. But they don't work till a few months after you've been exposed.
I have mixed feelings about this. People with STDs are unfairly stigmatized. If you are sexually active and you don;t have any STDs you're really just lucky, that's all, not morally superior. The burden of constant rejection and ostracization for something that you can't change and has no bearing on the person you are…
I dated a guy who I loved sleeping with, actual sleeping, sex was fine but damn we slept well together and woke up well together. And the feeling was mutual. Unfortunately we didn't get along well outside the bed. Isn't that weird? Has anyone else had that experience? I still think about sleeping with him ( not sex,…
When I bought a house I joked to friends that I was settling down with myself. It was just a joke, and even that felt cringey. Real estate IS a big commitment though. It's easier to get divorced than sell a house these days. When you divorce your spouse you don't have to find them a new spouse but you can't just…
I think Don was harsh to fire Lane. Lane lent so much money to the company and he was so ashamed. Don can't stand what Lane did because he did it himself in a previous life. Good character development here.
Again, it's not about belief, its about fact. Wanting facts and believing in fantastical objects is not entirely incompatible. But if you can't tell the difference between fact and opinion I hope to god you aren't in any professional field.
me too. WTF happened? Everyone else got on that boat and sailed off. It's like the Enlightenment came over long enough to write the Constitution and then sailed away, forever and ever. The U.S. is mostly a pre-Enlightenment society with technology.
No, it doesn't. Not for serious people and serious things. Belief in UFOs and alien abduction is not of the same value as Darwin's observation that species adapt over time. I'm sorry if that hurts the feelings of the 'alien abductees' but no, your feelings are not in play here.
We are discussing evolution, not the entire value or function of religion.
Well, that explains a lot, from the appalling public schools to the shoddy health care and the Kardashians.